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To shave or not to shave, that is the question?

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Started by #18422 at 07,Jan,10 03:48
To shave or not to shave,
that is the question.
Whether it is sexyer to
show the hair oq not.
What do you prefer! Me i
like to have a shaved man
most of the time.

Similar topics: people who shave shave or not to shave that is the question????? shave or not to shave that is the question   4.Should I shave all of my pubic hair off?   5.beard shaving  

New Comment

By Jamie at 16,Jan,24 16:40 other posts of Jamie 
I was told to shave cause sometimes I leave hairs in the toilet should I?

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By casado at 16,Jan,24 15:16 other posts of casado 

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eu prefiro meu pau bem lisinho.

By #520705 at 16,Oct,16 08:37
I try and keep it shaved. I also try and get someone else to do it for me. I once got my aunt to do it as she was trying to hurry me up to go visit someone and i didn't want to go really. So i showered slow and decided to shave my balls to hang it out. After shouting i couldn't rush that sort of things , she asked if i needed a hand and i didn't refuse.I was fun. but i know she was as nervous as hell.

By #520352 at 13,Oct,16 09:33
I always shave my balls and cock,i dont like hairs on my shaft and i love a shaved pussy

By #74896 at 12,Oct,16 15:29
I prefer shaved cock. I am now 69, and i shav every week since I wa about 20

By #489480 at 24,Sep,16 21:05
I think shaved is sexier for both men & women.

By kebmo at 24,Sep,16 18:29 other posts of kebmo 
One thing I really like to be shaved when a guy visits me is their balls. I REALLY like to suck on shaved balls. It they're not shaved, no sucking. My mouth, my choice. Personally I like to keep myself well shaved in my cock area. I just had a look; today is shaving day.

By chubbyloves at 24,Sep,16 17:21 other posts of chubbyloves 
To me there is nothing better than unshaved. Having your mouth slide down a nice cock and into a soft bush. YUM. It is a turn on

By foreskinlover52 at 24,Sep,16 16:40 other posts of foreskinlover52 
UNSHAVEN! Razor bumbs are ugly both on females and males!

By #515106 at 24,Sep,16 14:43
I perfer shaved ON male or female

By leopoldij at 05,Mar,16 22:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Unshaved [deleted image]

By #485312 at 02,Mar,16 13:46
bring back the bush, men should look like men. a good trim is all you need to keep the pubes out of my teeth while getting a headjob...*Lix*

By #373130 at 02,Mar,16 09:21
Do you guys think I should shave or not?
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By Ray10754 at 02,Mar,16 10:33 other posts of Ray10754 
I commented on your photo. I removed all my body hair permanently.

By siona76 at 20,Aug,14 10:30 other posts of siona76 
Definitely shaved or waxed. I shave & trim all the time. If you got the body, go for it! I think it is sexy!

By #376946 at 15,Aug,14 22:16
Always prefere wax

By #441833 at 15,Aug,14 13:18
Prefer unshaven for a guy.
By spermkiss at 15,Aug,14 15:25 other posts of spermkiss 
And your thick black bush is ultra hot. I tend to prefer hairless men, but I definitely can go either way (with hair, that is; with gender it's men). Thick black hair like yours is VERY attractive.

By spermkiss at 15,Aug,14 15:22 other posts of spermkiss 
Shaving completely hairless from the neck down is something every man (and woman) should do at least once in his (or her) life, if only to find out what it's like. Sex while hairless, especially sex with a hairless partner, is absolutely mind blowing. The skin on skin contact without any hair between takes sex into a whole different dimension. Try it.

But it is high maintenance, or even VERY high maintenance for individuals with a lot of hair.

By #44980 at 14,Aug,14 14:53
I shave every time I shower, I like the look and feel. Broke my arm a while back and couldn't shave, drove me nuts, shaved as soon as I was able!!
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By #201155 at 14,Aug,14 14:30
Shaved, definitely!

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By mark_99 at 14,Aug,14 14:13 other posts of mark_99 
shaved balls ,looks and feels great

By #220845 at 19,Aug,13 02:06
Right now, small amount of chest hair, trimmed bush, ass, tummy Cock and balls shaved smooth.

By #101633 at 18,Aug,13 16:50

By #346210 at 08,Jun,13 08:29
i'm totally shaved cock and balls...personally i prefer shaved on men and women.

By #333872 at 31,May,13 06:44
I use a body trimmer, so it's not as smooth as after a wet shave, but after the trim, it's almost all clear down there.
but I only trim around my dick and trim my balls.
no legs or belly.
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By #27633 at 18,Jun,12 08:27
I prefer being shaved ... my balls especially feel so much more sensitive

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