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Started by #164428 at 26,Nov,11 00:12
Do any of you enjoy cuckolding? Watching one or more other lovers fucking your significant other? Or, on the flipside, do you enjoy fucking while your sweetie watches, and love having him or her "clean up" afterwards and have sloppy seconds?

I've had mad chemistry with a guy who I met on this site, actually, some months ago. He's no longer here. We've gotten close intellectually and emotionally as well, and when it can become possible sometime soon, we are going to meet. We're both interested in a LTR.

He's interested in cuckolding, and I think it sounds like fun! He said he would be satisfied with me alone, whenever he wants me (works for me), and he'd like me to have some other lovers (regular ones who are safe to us in every way as we would not use condoms, none of us would). Sounds like every woman's dream! At least mine! I get him, other lovers, and he has me alone.

I'd love to hear from others who practice cuckolding within a relationship.

Similar topics: 1.Cuckolds...   2.Looking For Bulls/Studs For Cuckolding Sex in NY Area   3.looking to be cuckolded looking for a girl to do this.   4.Cuckolding   5.How to tell my wife/girlfriend that im into cuckolding?  

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By #516354 at 19,Mar,20 07:32
My first but not my last cuckolding session:

My ex wife(who was also my Mistress)used to cam our B.D.S.M sessions on an adult dating site.We met and became friends with a local guy(a Master) on there and would cam and chat with him.One evening,without me knowing, She invited him to our house and when He arrived I was ordered by my Mistress to strip.Although He had seen me naked on cam I found it humiliating to be stood there naked (except for my cock cage and collar)in person.I was tied face down by my wrists and ankles bent over a table.The Master then had sex with my Mistress with Her humiliating me by saying things like 'He's much bigger than you'and 'He can last a lot longer than you' etc.When they had both had their orgasms my Mistress came over to me and shoved her dripping pussy in my face and ordered me to lick it clean.Once done She put her strap-on on and started to fuck me in the arse(She had used this before as well as dildos and butt plugs).The Master then shoved His cock in my mouth and told me to clean it and get it hard again.As She watched me sucking His cock my wife thought it funny and started laughing and calling me a 'sissy faggot'.Once I had got it hard He told my Mistress that He wanted to fuck my arse,so they swapped places and He gave my arse a good fucking.After He had cum in my arse I was released,cock cage removed and told to masturbate over the table whilst They watched.So I stood there cum dripping out of my arse masturbating(both laughing and making humiliating remarks at me) and when I had shot my load over the table,They ordered me to lick it all up.
Having His cock in my arse felt completely different to having the strap-on,dildos and butt pugs in there.It was warm and not cold like them for a start and seemed to move in and out differently,it was a great sensation.

By #613396 at 18,Mar,20 15:53
Someone help this blonde slut!? I need someone to do a compare pic of my bfs tiny white penis, im working on cucking him, but im new so i gotta find a BBC slut that will train and a huge BBC(11+ ONLY) FOR ME!!

By botanic at 01,Aug,13 11:24 other posts of botanic 
On another tack ... I recall as a young man in my early 20s I was madly in love with a girl and we went out for a few months and though we engaged in what used to be called 'heavy petting ' inc frottage which often brought one or both of us to a climax, we never actually had penetrative sex . Now of course looking back this seems absurd , but I considered myself a true gent and never pressed the point , so to speak. Well one day came the inevitable row and we broke up . Shortly after , I spotted her hand in hand with a guy who had been in my class at school , a weedy prick whom I never took to .
A few days later I bumped into her and she told me that she would like to get back with me and only went out with him as 'revenge'. However, she said, there is one thing I have to confess, and yes you guessed it, he had shagged her ! I was so horrified I rushed off , but the more I thought about her being fucked by the despised weed , the more it turned me on . So much so that whenever I thought about it, which was pretty much all the time, I got a massive stalk on.
I had a habit then of walking through the woods in an old quarry near my home and at this time was walking along on a hot summer's day and starting thinking about him fucking her . Pulling down her skimpy knickers , exposing her red haired cunt and sliding his cock in until he sprayed her with his cum. I got a big hard on and as no one was about I slid down my pants, took off my top and jerked away at my cock and came in under a minute ... my cum splashing on the leaves of the trees .
Now this next bit you will not believe but I swear it is absolutely true : I looked up just after climaxing and there was the weed standing 5 yards away grinning at me. Talk about shock ... I pulled up my pants and legged it after him ..intending to give him a good thumping but he was gone like a flash.
I occasionally saw him afterwards and always feared he had told everyone what he had seen , but if he did I never got to know . In actuality the fact that it was he who had caught me wanking made the whole thing even more humiliating and .. well , I admit , even more exciting.
I had many a good wank thinking of him fucking my girl and him spying on me wanking .. and though I havent given it a thought for 30 years or so , I must admit I had a hard on whilst recounting this episode to you all.
So I suppose that was my cuckold moment , even though I was not present.
Aa a postscript , I must add that I later shagged the arse off that girl .. but sadly not out of love but out of a desire for revenge ... I fucked her hard several times in humiliating ( for her ) situations , then left her. So gentleman to cuckold to bastard in one easy lesson.

By #164428 at 27,Nov,11 03:52
Just one "bump". Wow; is no one on here into this?
By botanic at 01,Aug,13 06:40 other posts of botanic 
yes I have been the 'bull' on one occasion , shagging the wife while the man watched . It felt rather weird at first but hell, you soon get into it and yes, it is rather exciting . The guy enjoyed it too and encouraged me like mad whilst wanking himself off. I did not have to fuck him, that would , for me have been a stage too far. It happened in an odd way .. a woman just approached me in a pub and asked if I would like to go home with her and shag her , no strings. I was very suspicious but frankly drunk enough to take the risk . Once I got to her place ( in her car ) she introduced the idea of her husband watching ... this did seem weird at first but as I said it all worked out in the end.

By #175900 at 26,Dec,11 05:50
hi steffi

fried this with my ex for the last 5 years of our 11 year relationship, it was fun, sometimes at at fetish club id watch her go down on guys. then we took a black guy home once from there, it was fun. sh also had several regulars, all who were bigger than me,one was huge she said and she would spend the nite with me home alon playing with my self..

it was fun for both but takes a strong bond.


By #6568 at 25,Dec,11 12:15
Interesting,....I have an increasing urge to share/have another mans woman while he watches....

Although I have never been an exhibitionist I do enjoy to 'display'here and don't have any problems with other men seeing my manhood erect and in action,...but it's theior women that really interests me.

Ideally, I would like to find a nice couple about my own age where the man needs a little 'help' with his woman/wife,...then we might all be happy and more fullfilled.
By slipper at 25,Dec,11 22:13 other posts of slipper 
If you get the chance, be SURE and take pix for us here, bugle!!!

By #73083 at 27,Nov,11 04:31
I would love to have a man with a bigger cock have sex with my wife...I want her to see and feel at least one big cock sexually!
By #164428 at 27,Nov,11 12:41
By #164428 at 27,Nov,11 12:42
I'd be VERY happy with yours, though! Personally, I prefer a smaller cock. They hit very nicely at the G Spot, and I can always deep, er shallowthroat one! Yep. Give me a smaller cock anyday!
By #73083 at 25,Dec,11 03:21
Steffi, you are so nice! I love you!
By #164428 at 25,Dec,11 03:45
Likewise on both counts, Honey!
By #131042 at 25,Dec,11 07:16
My wife and I would love a young guy of 18 fuck us both, he fucks her while I lick her clit and he gets to cum in my mouth x
By slipper at 25,Dec,11 22:10 other posts of slipper 
Hey, smoothie, would you consider an older guy???

By slipper at 25,Dec,11 22:12 other posts of slipper 
I'd LOVE to help you out!!!

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