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What is the most public place you have had sex?

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Started by #215676 at 26,Dec,11 00:39
Mine was probably in a shopping centre car park on top of my car. Obviously at a time where there were a load of shoppers. Always made me and the girl really exited when cars started beeping their horns at us

Similar topics: 1.fucking in public   2.Most public place you got it on   3.QUESTION: place yourself on top--how??   4.Public sex   5.Pictures of you in a public place!  

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By alexa123 at 27,Dec,11 21:41 other posts of alexa123 
In an Public Swimmingpool in the Whirlpool with many People around

By #217865 at 26,Dec,11 10:45
In a public bar after loosing a bet I had to jerk myself and two other guys. There were about twenty people watching us in the bar! Some got hard too!
By #215676 at 27,Dec,11 00:09
that's not really sex. That is just a bit of messing around. I want to know the most public place you've had full on sex
By #217865 at 27,Dec,11 08:40
That was on a beach in Messanges France. We were having sun heated sex and then, when we were fucking, some twenty horses with riders on it came out of the dunes and they all had a clear view on us having hot sex. We were both so hot we couldn't even think of stopping. We both loved it to know they all watched us.

By spermkiss at 26,Dec,11 17:57 other posts of spermkiss 
On stage at an open air music pavilion on a rainy summer night. Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park in Cincinnati, for anyone who knows that city. There were cars passing on Art Museum Drive about three hundred feet away.

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