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How do you enter for pic of the month?

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Started by #222290 at 04,Jan,12 20:18
Now, seeing as I'm new, and blonde, and a whole host of other reasons, I can't seem to figure out how to enter my picture into pic of the month contest. How can it be done?

Also, any ideas on which one I should submit, should I finally find out how to do it?
Many thanks in advance.

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New Comment

By #88520 at 04,Jan,12 20:37
1. Chose one of your pics on your page and click on it.
2. Now copy the url in the address bar of your browser.
3. Go to this page: /pic_of_month.php and paste the url you copied into the field and click submit.
4. Win!

Hope that's enough directions even for a blonde

Chose this pic and I will vote for you
[deleted image]
By #222290 at 04,Jan,12 20:43
Why thankyou! Since you took the time to direct me so well, I posted that picture, and here you can vote for it..

By #88520 at 04,Jan,12 20:47
Great! I voted for you now

By #81191 at 04,Jan,12 20:31
Not sure but someone will. This one looks good for the job /zjhf00kdc1edpic.html which of mine should I decide to put my head on the block

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