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Licking balls.

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Started by #146804 at 05,Jan,12 12:25
More to the ladies, but men - feel free to have your say as well!

We play with a lot of couples and single women and one of the biggest things we've noticed is that the other woman will never lick his balls unless asked, why is this?

Do most people not pay attention to a man's balls during oral?

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New Comment

By #694265 at 11,Oct,23 21:52
I love any attention my balls get, licked, sucked or pulled

[deleted image]

By #680818 at 11,Oct,23 16:55
Love to suck balls

By leopoldij at 05,Mar,19 04:55 other posts of leopoldij 
I love having my balls licked [deleted image]

By #294596 at 03,Jan,14 03:40
Admittedly I am a guy, so I know how great it feels, so when I suck a guy off I ALWAYS lick and suck his balls.

By #11431 at 02,Jan,14 17:45
well I always do if given the chance.

By #358797 at 01,Jan,14 07:26
Balls are easy to forget about. They just kinda hang out down there... I do try to pay attention to them though. I like trying to stick my tongue out to lick them when I deepthroat. Lol.

By #209431 at 05,Jan,12 21:51
Balls should be licked:
all over. ALL OVER.
wet and sloppy
with varying tongue techniques, lips, etc.

Unfortunately, this doesn't happen very often. I think girls are confused because it doesn't bring you closer to coming even though it feels amazing. I've only ever felt like I've gotten enough attention on my balls when with girls who like to be told what to do
By Odin_york_pa at 29,Dec,13 16:24 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I have cummed hard on quite a few occasions from a real good ball licking and sucking. Maybe mine are more sensitive to the feeling

By #6568 at 05,Jan,12 12:53
Well you don't have to be 'lovers' to engage in oral (or any other) sex,...but, all those little nuances of lovemaking are probably pschologically reserved for ones main lover/partner.

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