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stiff in pants

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Started by #5291 at 02,Feb,09 11:12
it happens sometimes your dick gets stiff in your pants and it is swollen.how would you react< would you take it easy when in public or do you have an urge to do something like showing it off or rubbing it with your fingers through your pockets and get relieved?

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New Comment

By hypoboy at 14,Jan,18 19:25 other posts of hypoboy 
here i was hard in my jeans. see the other pics what happened next hehe ;-)

By nakedjim at 06,Jan,18 12:45 other posts of nakedjim 
I so know the trill BushPilot was experiencing. I to in my youth would enjoy showin goff the portion of me that mother nature wanted to stand tall. I also would cause my stiff dick down thee leg of my pants affter having my hand in my pocket, playing with it. Depending on the season & style of pants, long, short, tight or loose I was able to show of what I enjoyed playing with. Having the head peeking out from my summer shorts while sitting so I might be seen was a heart pounding few moments. It was often looked at & I know admired when guys & ladies would walk pass more than once or stand in a near/far place to watch while I sat in a park or mall. I was never approached or handle but I always has a wonderful jerking off after I was in private. Oh, Youth can be a wonder time if you know how to use it.

By #7976 at 20,Feb,09 04:08
It never bothered me because as a young man I was hard 10 or more hours a day. I just moved the erection down a pant leg and let the ladies look. Once or twice I got a great grope from strange ladies on city busses, but they were MILFs. Let it grow and who cares who notices. If their looking at your crotch, they apparently want to see a show any way.

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