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Asian Dicks are not as small as you think

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Started by Saku at 10,Jan,12 11:14  other posts of Saku
I am an Asian~ And I do sure that my dick is somehow in the normal sizes but even bigger than some Americans In here I just wanna tell the girls that dun think that we just got small dicks And Asians be proud of your cock~ show your pic here and see how big it is!!!!!!!


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New Comment

By #222660 at 23,Oct,13 04:09
The biggest penis I have ever encountered in person was hanging between the knees of an Asian boy ... trust me, it takes a lot to make ME wince ... but his erection was a heart-stopper! Try not to believe in stereotypes ... you'll only be disappointed!

By #437064 at 20,Oct,13 01:09
I've been with about 5 Asian guys and all of them were below average in size, one was only about 2" fully erect seriously. I know some Asian guys are hung but on average they are smaller. Look at Japanese porn you they all fairly small.
By #291618 at 20,Oct,13 01:28

By #392664 at 03,Jul,13 03:25
Am south asian too

[deleted image]
By Trekkk at 11,Oct,13 22:42 other posts of Trekkk 
Pretty impressive

By #335537 at 11,Oct,13 16:52
heres my penis , im cantanese

[deleted image]

By *kmadeau* at 11,Oct,13 03:23 other posts of *kmadeau* 
one swallow does not make a summer
un hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps

By #371734 at 06,Oct,13 19:48
see my dick at my profile , u ppl misconception that asian ppl have small dick will washed off....

By #220845 at 06,Oct,13 18:48
I've seen several Asian cocks up close none of them were small

By #259412 at 06,Oct,13 18:33
what about my cock guyz....

By andrew999999999 at 17,Sep,13 22:19 other posts of andrew999999999 
I frequent a sauna/bathhouse for men, and I've seen a reasonable amount of Asian cocks. I've even sucked a couple too, and enjoyed both cocks. I've seen Asian guys with cocks as big as black or white guys, and I've also seen Asian guys with below average cocks. But most of the Asian guys I've seen were below average.
Of course, I realise this doesn't mean most Asian men have small cocks, but most I've seen have. But I've also seen black and white men with small cocks too, so race doesn't determine cock size in my experience.

By boc at 01,Jul,13 12:42 other posts of boc 
My sociology professor in college was obsessed with the fact that condoms in Asia were smaller than in Europe. He was an annoying pompous jackass.

By #143536 at 11,Jan,12 16:08
That IS a nice sized cock! You should be proud!

By #93238 at 11,Jan,12 12:42
I was surprised by the size of a young asian man I met in Atlanta. not only did he fill my mouth, but he turned me around and proceeded to fuck me with his more than average dick. I'll never prejudge asian men again after that ass pounding!

By #192567 at 10,Jan,12 11:23
Hi Saku...Of course everyone generalises when they say that Asians have small dicks and Africans have big dicks.
I am 16 cm, so consider myself average. I visit knock shops in China at least 4 times a year, and 80% of the girls struggle to take my cock.
So I would guess that the average in China is well below my size.
By Saku at 11,Jan,12 03:03 other posts of Saku 
and when i got erect my dick is also 16 cm

By #147700 at 10,Jan,12 17:07
what is your length and girth

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