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Older women

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Started by #19939 at 14,Sep,09 14:24
Iam in my mid forties. Are there any other guys who fantasise bout sex with older women 60.70.80's. Like to hear other comments from all age men.

Similar topics: 1.Do younger men like sex with older women?   2.OLDER WOMEN   3.Does Anybody Else Find Oldmen Dressing In Women's Clothes Unattractive?   4.Has (Your/Or Your Partners) Vagina Changed With "Age"?   5.Question of the day: "Have you had sex with a 20 year older women ?"  

New Comment

By #11431 at 04,Oct,10 12:31
I know that many guys on this site do .. because I get so many messages from them wanting to fuck me ... and this surprisingly includes many younger men . When I was in my early 20s I always fantasised about sex with older men ( 40 - 50 y o ) and I often realised these fantasies . To acheive that sort of age gap nowadays I would need to be shagged by men in their late 60s & 70s . But I have never been a woman who has held fantasies about sex with young men , which I beleive is common in women in their 40s & 50s . Sex nowadays tends to be with men of a similar or slightly older age than me .

Adult Discussion Forum