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Started by #117366 at 17,Jan,11 14:45
I love older women. They say things and do things with me that make me go crazy in bed. They stimulate me mentally and make me super horny so that I could pound the shit of them. Best thing yet, almost all the older the women I have been with swallow. I had one that actually massaged her face with my cum. That was soooo fucking HOT!!! Tell me youR experience. And if there are any older women who's reading this and want to HOOKUP. PM Me please and I'll do my best to please that booty!

Similar topics: 1.Do younger men like sex with older women?   2.Older women   3.Does Anybody Else Find Oldmen Dressing In Women's Clothes Unattractive?   4.Has (Your/Or Your Partners) Vagina Changed With "Age"?   5.Question of the day: "Have you had sex with a 20 year older women ?"  

New Comment

By #656694 at 19,Aug,22 17:42
I think older ladies are beautiful.

By thickswingercock at 19,Aug,22 17:34 other posts of thickswingercock 
love fucking older women, and do it often

By #610414 at 15,Aug,22 15:07
Bella! just posted on her thread.

The ALLEY CAT seems to think that I enjoy telling this story so, not to disappoint, I'm going to share it again! It was many years ago that I became acquainted with ALLEY CAT, but that was only because another member referred her profile to the Evaluation Panel because she had uploaded internet pics and claimed them to be her.

This is true up to a certain point. I was new to the site and who reads the rules, right? Anyway, I PHOTOSHOPED some pics along with some of me. Heaven knows I don't have to be embarrassed about my looks, but, at the time I had few nuddie pics.

I believe it was at the time that admin had given the voters the "freeze the vote" option in order to reach out to the wayward members to encourage them to delete the internet pictures instead of having their profile deleted without understanding "WHY". Anyway....when I reached out to her she got all "hurty" and indignant about the matter, removed all of her pictures and pointed blame at me and big9inch21 for the outcome.

This is also true. She did, but, it wasn't done in a nice tone. She worded it in a very authoritarian way and gave me the impression SHE was Admin. I was scared SHE would delete my account. Later, another member, Lipsipsuckit, adviced me that Bella! liked to play the bitch and tried to give the impression SHE was the boss. At the time I deleted my pics and blamed her for it. Ever since then, this BITCH likes people to think she saved my ass. Since then, I've posted many, many, pics well liked by the members.

Ever since that time she has had an issue with me. It doesn't matter that the men here call her names, she gladly laps it up and basically asks for more. Me, she can't stand it because I ignore her. As far as the pictures featured in her gallery being 20 years old, maybe and at best they are only 20 years old. My guess is that there are pictures that are 30, 40, 50 years old. Just sayin'.....

This is all partially true, notice she takes a grain of truth and makes a bushel out of it. Let's get into specifics. SHE IGNORES ME, yet, here we are.
MEN CALL ME NAMES. True, I've been called bitch, cunt, saggy tits, ALLEY CAT, and more. I've also been called every term of endearment possible. I can't please everyone, but, why should I? I have plenty of members that have friended me and very few that have blacklisted me. Not true of "YOU KNOW WHO", The "ONE EYED BITCH WITCH".
I'm 70 yrs old and can give a run for their money to any woman member. Are there more beautiful women on site? Loads, but, I'm pleasing to the eye. Look at my page. I purposely keep those pics, except for one or two, that are how I look now. To members like
PA-Freddy, if you don't like the program, change the channel.

By #675701 at 23,Jul,22 16:30
most older women know how to suck cock and fuck and they do not have to worry about baby

By #619391 at 10,Jun,20 16:09
Always amazed when I see an over 60 year old woman naked. Years ago, I was a store with a large selection of adult magazines (pre-internet days). On the cover of one was an older woman, 70+. I opened the magazine and looked at amazement at her pictures. Couldn't believe that someone this age would pose naked. I nearly cummed right there. Bought the magazine, went right home and shot a huge load. After that I was hooked on seeing older women naked. With the internet, it's much easier. As a horny teenager and wanting to see an actual naked woman, I spyed on my mother (~50 years old) showering. Nice round breasts, with darker nipples and a big blonde bush. I watched her often. Wondered for a long time when she seemed to spend extra time cleaning her pussy and rubbing her nips at the same time, then a slight sound and she was done. I figured out later that she was masturbating.
By #610414 at 11,Jul,20 12:19
By #275407 at 12,May,22 13:35
The last person I would ever want to see naked would be my parents. I definatly wouldn't be turned on seeing either one of them even though I thought they were very good looking. Same with my brother and sister. I think that would be weird.

By galaxy123 at 12,May,22 13:21 other posts of galaxy123 
When I was a student I made friends with an older couple. I was 20 and they were mid 40s. I had a few 3 somes with them over one summer. She taught me a lot, how to take my time, take care of her, understand that there are a number of places to touch her to make her reach orgasm. It was a great experience and one I would recommend.

By #610414 at 08,May,22 15:13
I see Sir-Skittles is still a botched abortion. You know the type. Mama tried to use a coat hanger.

By Sir-Skittles at 08,May,22 14:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
cat Ancient member

By Alwaysnude at 08,May,22 14:50 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I love older women [deleted image]

By curvy8 at 11,Jul,20 11:28 other posts of curvy8 
In the past, I thought that post-menopausal woman would be cold and dry. I later found out how wrong I was.

By #463848 at 11,Jul,20 06:36
Depends upon your own age of course. Younger males may like older ones for their experience and availablity. However, I have always gone for younger females and from the age of about 50, much younger- like 14-20 years younger.

By #621421 at 11,Jul,20 02:55
Older mature women gets me excited and horny.I love sniffing my friends mom used panties when I visit them.One time at moms 50 birthday I fucked her friend.She was bubbly and at night she went to sleep with me.

By #582040 at 16,May,20 18:06
I love mature women and men who share them.

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By Jrbowen2016 at 15,Jan,19 14:02 other posts of Jrbowen2016 
Check out my page and look at my wife's 59 year old puffy cunt .she want a huge dick to fuck her while I watch
By thickswingercock at 14,May,20 07:26 other posts of thickswingercock 
my speciality

By #7976 at 21,Jan,11 02:41
I'm unclear as to the definition of "Older" but I approach it this way. Girls between 18 and 39 are too young for me at the tender age of 59. A girl becomes a women somewhere around 40 with a few maturing nicely in their mid 30's. As for their appeal, it's up to the woman. A mature attitude with a great sense of humor and the lack of a young woman's fear of sex is a perfect lover. Sadly, most women in that category are Married. But then, they're the sexiest and most sensual women there are.
By #172995 at 08,Apr,12 17:37
In my eyes, a 60 year old is sexier than a young woman. Some women in their 70's blow my socks off.

Young men and women are like fresh grape juice. As they get order they can improve like a fine wine or they can turn into vinegar. Men and women who age like a fine wine are the absolute best!!! Unfortunately, most of the good ones are already taken.

A few sexy 60+ women give me all-night boners.
By kre8tor69 at 14,Jan,19 02:36 other posts of kre8tor69 
If you find a mature woman still wanting lots of sex go for it. Give up all your must go for the young stuff ideas and find out how fucking wonderful a gal can be that has spent years practicing with her sexy fun parts for her own pleasure. She know s stuff young ones will take years to even try out. If she still is looking for working cock and you have one go for it guys!!! Ask if she wants more than one at a time as well! You might be surprised at the answer!!!

By #562152 at 15,Jan,19 14:30
There's hope for me,,
By #554763 at 15,Jan,19 15:51
By #562152 at 15,Jan,19 15:52

By Texas979 at 09,Oct,14 12:47 other posts of Texas979 
Never been with an older woman, bit I have always wanted to. I am now 37. If there are any older woman around the Houston Texas area please please feel free to contact me
By kre8tor69 at 14,Jan,19 02:33 other posts of kre8tor69 
Oh just look around guy! Am am 72 and back when we started in swinging there was a fine 80+ gal that could certainly suck your balls dry and then ask you to fuck her very fine pussy just for the fun of it. Give some mature pussy a real chance and you might never go back!!!

By Jrbowen2016 at 12,Jan,19 13:51 other posts of Jrbowen2016 
Check out my wife's 59 year old puffy pussy and tell me what you would like to do

By leopoldij at 10,Jan,19 15:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends on how sexy they feel and what they're willing to do. I love them too.
[deleted image]

By #283892 at 06,May,13 07:11
My girl is 40 and fit, i love older women so much more
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 10:02
[deleted image]
youd get plenty of hot sex young man, you picked the right woman *lix*

By cazzoduro69 at 29,Dec,14 11:43 other posts of cazzoduro69 
[deleted image]

i fuck this old pussy (62 y old) and can tell u it's so good and wet pussy

By #467154 at 29,Dec,14 11:18
Older woman is the best wow. I can only tell that they rock in bed and mind.

By #59855 at 19,Jan,11 18:10
From Matt's Wife: It is true, we are the best
By #172995 at 10,Apr,12 04:26

By #376736 at 16,Apr,13 13:30
By #205329 at 09,Oct,14 07:36

By DJS at 06,May,13 11:13 other posts of DJS 
there,s so many on this site(i like to call them Mature Lady's)& one off my many fav,luvclitncock,she as so much sexy appeal & a beautiful sexy body,would luv to swap places with the guy in her pics

By #172995 at 09,Apr,12 22:15
Cougar Women are 40+ women who date younger guys. If you want to know about Cougar Women, just google it.

If you younger guys ever receive the privileged gift of going to bed with a cougar woman, please listen to her and let her guide and teach you.

Please treat her with courtesy and respect. Don't even think about Slam, bam and thank you Mamn.

By Walker at 09,Apr,12 22:08 other posts of Walker 
Oh that's great because older women can be any age older that you or me. As a younger boy-man older was 20-25 as a teen older was like 30. as a college grad older was 35. Humm... as I worked and early 30s older was 40ish. Now well older hummm... I don't really want to see 60s. Although some here who claim to be 60 are very hot.
I'd still hit that cunt if is were hot and wet.

By #237707 at 09,Apr,12 05:25
I was about 15 or 16 and had sex with a very attractive 42 year old lady.Showed me a thing or two.My sexy wife is 6 years older than me and she looks younger than i do.Older women know what they want and they know how to please in bed.
By #172995 at 09,Apr,12 22:02

By #164428 at 23,Feb,12 08:19
I'm 44, randy, and dripping wet most of the time!
By #201155 at 23,Feb,12 18:27
I know!
By #164428 at 23,Feb,12 19:25
By #201155 at 23,Feb,12 21:07
I'm 56, still as randy as a tomcat, and bone-hard most of the time – and you are one of the reasons!
By #164428 at 24,Feb,12 03:16
I love you, Honey!
By #201155 at 24,Feb,12 07:47
And you know now that I am going to be harder than ever for the next few days until my long-awaited orgasm on the 29th!

By #172995 at 09,Apr,12 21:46
You are randy because you have a high level of testosterone. You should share some of it with us men.

By #172995 at 08,Apr,12 17:46
No doubt about it, Sexy mature women are the best lovers. I wish there were more of them on this site.

I bet that Paula Deen is incredibly hot in bed. I can hear her sexy voice as she orgasms.
By #164428 at 08,Apr,12 18:57
"Woo wee, y'awl!"
By #172995 at 09,Apr,12 00:14
I was thinking of Paula Deen's low husky voice giving me hummers.

Sweet lovin' from the oven.

By #187007 at 24,Feb,12 14:28
where are they all

By #43094 at 03,Feb,11 05:32
I love too

By #43094 at 22,Jan,11 08:35
I agree older women are great and best for love

By #5532 at 19,Jan,11 21:52
We are wonderful, just as Matt's Wife says. That is of course if being 50 is considered as being older
By #59855 at 19,Jan,11 22:00
From Matt's Wife: You have to love these guys, they are great!

By #130569 at 19,Jan,11 23:27
18 year old here, and my god are you to ladies HOT!!
By #59855 at 20,Jan,11 16:54
From Matt's Wife:

By botanic at 19,Jan,11 16:52 other posts of botanic 
I agree , older women are the best ... they are all I shag now , but they were all I wanted to shag when I was young 1

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