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When you you guys first give a girl an orgasm & how?

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Started by #144851 at 13,Jan,12 09:44
For me it was shortly after I learned to masturbate & give myself an orgasm at 11. I went out with my first girlfriend, Cheryl, shortly before my 12th birthday. We talked about my masturbation experience. Though she was shy at first, she let me try to give her an orgasm with my fingers. It worked & was a brilliant, erotic experience I'll never forget.

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By #463848 at 05,Mar,18 08:27
Finger fucking whilst she wanked me

By #514663 at 19,Oct,16 00:13
Mine was on a date with a girlfriend in high school. We were both sitting in the back seat off a car and I fingered her under her jeans while she was jerking me. Was the first time I was jerked off by a girl too

By botanic at 18,Oct,16 23:13 other posts of botanic 
I am frankly amazed that at such an early age you even knew how to give a girl an orgasm ... many men struggle with that one after 40 years of sex !

By #519017 at 18,Oct,16 22:14
A few days after we married. We'd been fucking before but she hadn't climaxed. This time we were kissing on the floor of our honeymoon cottage. My hand crept up her skirt and down inside her panties and I instinctively stroked her labia. She got wet and was obviously enjoying it. She juddered and gave that orgasm cry I've heard many times since! She said no one had ever done that for her before.

By Gntlmn at 15,May,13 03:09 other posts of Gntlmn 
At age 18 when I ate out my cheerleader girlfriend on the couch in her parents' living room....

By #64328 at 13,May,13 19:18
Girlfriend in the 6th grade. I just rubbed her through her panties. Eventually they were soaked. Didnt quite understand it but knew she was really loving it. I knew I was giving her the feeling just didnt know that they could get so wet.

By #323075 at 13,May,13 07:29
I was about 16 and worked her clit with my finger.

By qhaos at 13,Jan,12 15:45 other posts of qhaos 
was in my backyard in the room for the storage of bicycles, when I was 12, when with friends we play showing each other our cock, one day with a bit of shame i invited to participate at this game a next door girl and she showed me how she play with her very young pussy (she was 11) and inviting me to try to make her how she did with her fingers and i did it making her cum! and after the parties have reversed! we continue to play in this way for 2 years, she was my first sex friend! i remember her name, Fabiana...

By #127064 at 13,Jan,12 15:13
mine was about 11 or 12 too...neighborhood girl i always hung out with her more than other kids...anyhow she asked me if a girl ever kissed me down there or vice versa,then took me to our hide outand told me to drop em,that was my first cum....she got up and kissed me and giggledand said lay down and straddled my face...as i licked her she started moving and squirming,before i knew it she was just riding my mouth util she squealed and collapsed on top of me then got up kissed me and hugged me and said maybe you can be the first to screw this too.....we would wait for everybody to leave from then on and go "play" before we went home...nevr did get to screw her but her boyfriends didnt get anything...

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