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never pre cum

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Started by #170689 at 13,Feb,12 22:20
hey all i was wondering if anyone can answer something for me, i never seem to pre cum is this a normal thing?

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By #187688 at 16,Feb,12 00:06
Precum mostly comes from the Cowpers gland. I guess the gland isn't as active in some men. I don't show precum unless I've been edging or hard for a long time.

By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 14,Feb,12 13:08 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
Hmmm... this question/topic seems Just a Little bit FAMILIAR.....

By #240 at 14,Feb,12 02:44
i precum a LOT! so as you can see from the varied responses, are you more or less confused about what is "normal?" Haha! keep on

By spermkiss at 14,Feb,12 00:00 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, it's normal so don't worry about it. I'm a cocksucker who's given probably eight or ten thousand blow jobs to two or three thousand different men and I can assure you that there are a lot of other men like you. Look on the bright side, you can go commando with any kind of pants and not have to worry about semen leakage.

I, on the other hand, am at the other end of the scale. I leak a lot, often when I'm not even the least bit aroused. This is not a problem with washable pants as it readily washes out. Indeed it's often an asset if I'm on the prowl and a hot looking guy sees a damp spot on my crotch and he knows I'm already oozing jizz. He'll want to get down there for a taste. But I cannot go commando with a suit or dress pants because this stuff doesn't dry clean out.

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