| I was just wondering. Maybe ADMIN or some other could tell me why there are often many words censored or blocked out by***** here on forum pages? I guess I understand maybe censoring some abusive or vulgar profanity which may be perceived as distasteful to a vast majority of members here. However, there seems to be a pattern of some words being blocked for reasons I do not understand. They many times are common words. Sometimes it makes it somewhat difficult to understand what someone is trying to say, and it doesn't seem like the missing word is derogatory or offensive (at least to me) ; but then again , with the word missing, I can only surmise just what that missing word was. I would understand completely if it involves ****, issues with in-appropriate adult sexual contact in any way with minors, or other issues such as drugs and the like. However, for the most part, the majority of posters here seem to have something to discuss which may be offensive to what is considered by what we will call "the majority of society in general", such as public nudity in any way, expressing freedom of sexuality in ways that do not necessarily fit into many religiously acceptable behaviors, and are "taboo" in different areas of the world in one way or another. But, isn't that the purpose of this site? To give people an opportunity to share openly with similarly minded adults the freedom of sexual expression and open discussion of related topics.
I am not in any way being critical of your process, it is after all YOUR site and we are all merely fortunate guests here with no Rights to say or do anything you do not approve of. It is only my desire to understand how mundane words as maybe ****, ****, mother, and a whole list of others are not allowed in some places. It just makes the comments difficult to read at times. If it is an **** subject, maybe it would be better to just block the entire discussion.
The point I am after is that in many places in the world any one of us would be arrested for even taking pictures of our unclothed bodies and sharing them with even a legal spouse or one's own self. In some places, the mere use openly of any reference to any sexual term or act could be punished by death. And in many places, to have any experience other than for the sole purpose of pro-creation of our species would be strictly prohibited by the "powers that be".
Thank you for giving us this place of freedom to express ourselves in ways that are often "taboo" to suppressive societies. But why some of the seemingly un-necessary censorship sometimes? Just curious... |
In the last one I have written my opinions of financial entities and suchlike organizations.
I would have liked to have made more detailed and specific comments about the entities concerned.
Regards from Down Under.
John S.