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Bi curious?

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Started by #348754 at 01,Feb,13 17:50
Soooo im straight but love looking at the beautiful cocks on here. Im really wanting to touch them and play with them, am I bi curious?

Similar topics: 1.Curious in watching..   2.I'm new to this   3.i want to suck dick   4.bi-curious is a stupid term   5.Bi_Curious  

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By #463848 at 27,Sep,22 07:44
Bicurious is a common description given by men but we never get to know whether they just stay curious. Or,if they do have a connection, how they liked it and whether one session was enough to satisfy their particular curiosity. I am curious to know!
By cumcouplessa at 06,Oct,22 19:09 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. What exactly is "bi curious"? If you like cock, then you like cock. PERIOD! If you like pussy too, then you are bi. End of story????
By #677376 at 06,Oct,22 20:08
Good point! After looking at your photos I am obviously bi because I would so love to eat that wonder pussy and sick that awesome dick dry!
By cumcouplessa at 07,Oct,22 19:18 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Exactly!! We could be BEST friends?

By #677376 at 06,Oct,22 17:54
Excellent question and one that has given many thoughts!
I am straight/married but admittedly bi-curious.

I LOVE the look of cocks and like dude porn, especially twink porn. I have never had the opportunity to suck a cook or be sucked but would LOVE to have the opportunity to experiment with a dude. The thought of sucking a limp wennie and have it get hard in my mouth until he cums makes me so horny!

I’m 68 but am attracted to younger dude porn (hairless twinks) but love the look of smooth dudes with nice hairless chests.

I love hard tanned dude nipples.
By cumcouplessa at 06,Oct,22 19:05 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. DUDE! You are FAR from straight! Go out there find a nice hard cock to wrap your lips around. Enjoy life 👍👍👍👍

By german_guy at 07,Oct,22 17:41 other posts of german_guy 
I am about the same way feeling

By #677384 at 22,Sep,22 00:43
[deleted image]I think most men are bi-curious by the way my work buddies stare at my cock in the shower at work. It turns me on, so I put a show on for them now...i shave my balls and everything else in the shower now hehe...I was bi-curious for a long time. I have been naked with a few good friends and it was sooo fun.

By towman812 at 20,Sep,22 12:59 other posts of towman812 
i love looking at cocks love the different shapes and sizes i will admit i am bicurious

By #463848 at 31,Aug,22 08:04
It doesn't matter what you call it; just do it.

By #671846 at 23,Aug,22 18:08
I like very feminine men and women.
By TxMeat at 23,Aug,22 18:38 other posts of TxMeat 
Same. Great pics btw!

By towman812 at 23,Aug,22 05:03 other posts of towman812 
I find all types of dicks interesting at some point i might go all the way

By #311947 at 09,Feb,14 13:05
I consider myself bi curious. But Im not really attracted to guys. I like dick not dudes. Lol, if that makes any sense. Granted you typically "like" something about a guy to put his dick in your mouth but for me, I appreciate a nice cock. Thats kinda where Im at with the topic.
By #616463 at 21,Aug,20 00:26
Same here....not into guys....but love cock
By #624390 at 23,Aug,20 21:12
Same. I want to play with and suck cock and might even try taking anal but strictly just the sex act.

There is no romantic attraction and I would not kiss as man.

By #64328 at 23,Jul,21 10:24
That describes me too

By #644585 at 23,Jul,21 10:29
same here.

By Ksguy961 at 23,Jul,21 18:44 other posts of Ksguy961 
I feel the exact way here

By #613564 at 06,Sep,21 07:26
It's like just looking at nice penises, but not wanting anything sexual, or relationships!! It's like WOW, his is nice, and maybe a little fantasy, when masturbating, thinking about that one?

By #613564 at 06,Sep,21 07:22
It's OK to identify as STRAIGHT, but still, sometimes have some feelings, some thoughts and fantasies, and it's TOTALLY OK to Identify as STRIAGHT, but sometimes jerk off to some cute penis!! It doesn't "make you gay" at all!!
Sometimes, we identify one way, and for some unknown reason, feel things, and it is OK to explore those!

By Strongmember# at 19,Jul,21 08:14 other posts of Strongmember# 
well u not exactly straight...thats certain

By #646957 at 18,Jul,21 20:14
You might just find cocks sexy. I know I do. There’s something about a big hard cock that really gets me off. Your not alone.

By #632830 at 11,Jan,21 06:54
I have never been with a guy because they don't turn me on but cocks excite me sooo much.
By #633565 at 11,Jan,21 12:15
like mine?

By #420420 at 05,Feb,14 02:53
Bi, gay, hetero, whatever. . .

Why is the social expectation that we are all either one way, or another?

Life is shades of gray (No pun intended, I didn't read the book, yet) and you can love women, in your 'real' world, and still be 'normal' thinking about what it might be like to do things that you wouldn't really do with guys!!

Just let your imagination go, and feel what you feel, and know that it is normal to wonder, or image it, and get off to those fantasies!!

You should probably keep it private, unless your girlfriend/wife/other is ok with it!
By spermkiss at 06,Feb,14 15:23 other posts of spermkiss 
There is another little known fact that relates to what you just said. Men of one sexual orientation often have dreams/fantasies of the other. In other words straight men have gay fantasies and gay men have straight fantasies. I'm as gay as they come, but I often have straight fantasies. And no, that does not make me bisexual.

Generally, we gay men are better at taking our straight fantasies in stride. But straight men often freak out when they have a gay fantasy. Relax guys, it's alright and you're completely normal. Even if you take it to the point of acting on your fantasy that's still OK.
By Ananas2xLekker at 01,Sep,20 17:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's not the admitting to it to myself that is the problem. It's admitting it to my girlfriend which I have a hard time with.
By spermkiss at 02,Sep,20 15:45 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, relax and don't hold back. It's highly unlikely that she will freak out and/or be put off by the knowledge that you sometimes have gay fantasies. Indeed, it will probably be a turn on. It has been my experience as a gay man that being gay is a Major Babe Magnet.

For what it's worth, I once had a straight friend with whom I had a dalliance from time to time. Our first encounter began with a kiss and boy, did he like to kiss. After that his standard greeting when we met was a kiss, no matter where we were or who was present. And not just a quick buss on the cheek or peck on the lips, but a full on wet French kiss. I think he enjoyed the shock value of doing this.

One time I ran into him when he was out on a date with a lady. After his usual French kiss greeting, he introduced her to me. She offered her hand and I shook it. I kissed him and shook hands with her. Go figure. The next time I saw him he told me that she was so turned on by seeing men kiss that when he got her home she fucked and sucked like a wild woman.

OK Ananas2xLekker and any other straight men who might be reading this, if you want better sex with your girlfriend, lay a big, wet French kiss on one of your buddies while she can see it. It WILL turn her on.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Sep,20 16:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Having buddies who would not completely freak out if I french kissed them would be nice. I have tried if she would be open to it, with bisexual porn. She didn't like it.
Still, thanks for your insight.
By spermkiss at 06,Sep,20 16:12 other posts of spermkiss 
For further insight you might want to pull up two of my Forum posts: "Same Sex Kissing" and "Things Every Man Should Do at Least Once". An easy way to do this is to click on "other posts" next to my name. This will bring up all of my Forum posts and my recent comments on others' posts.

Yes many, probably most, straight men would probably freak out at the idea of French kissing a guy. But there is movement in this direction. See my Forum post. Some, not many but some, straight men now greet each other with a kiss. And members of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club have been doing it for decades.

Moving on to your girlfriend, you cannot let her dictate how you run your life. If an occasional man-on-man contact is important to you, then you've got to be able to do it. With or without her permission. It would be nice if she could join you in this and you could have a nice MMF three way, but if she won't, you'll just have to go it alone. If she cannot accept this, then she's not the girl for you.

And pleas do not try to smother this desire. It will not go away and if not satisfied, it could drive you to doing risky things. Let it happen in a safe and controlled way.

Good luck.

By #632738 at 08,Jan,21 21:22
My wife and I entered our relationship with total disclosure of each others lives. Admitting my bi-sexuality was the hardest thing to do. but I did, she accepted it and we now have the most fulfilling sex life I've known in years. Do you lie to yourself, her, and or your relationship? If you love each other, then honesty is the ONLY policy.

By #627819 at 19,Oct,20 16:38
So just curious, what are you hetero fantasies about

By #632738 at 08,Jan,21 21:16
Yes, you are. But eventually, you are the only one that can decide whether of not to act on those emotions. You need only know, that there are those out here who will be willing to help you make that transition, ONLY when you are ready to.

By cumonme1 at 08,Jan,21 15:37 other posts of cumonme1 
No I fixed the curious part many years ago

By #632553 at 05,Jan,21 20:18
Yup you are bicurious. Go ahead suck a dick take one up the ass you might just drop the curious.

By #627819 at 19,Oct,20 16:36
Yes. Lol. You might as well give it a try (most guys have in pretty sure), and keep in mind its not like you ever have to tell anyone if you don't want people to know or whatever.

By #624140 at 22,Sep,20 05:02
Yea you are.I was like you until I played.Then I sucked and swallowed another load and I knew I was bi

By lovetolickyou at 07,Sep,20 09:38 other posts of lovetolickyou 
Long before I tried it, I acknowledged to myself that I was attracted to other men's cocks, even if I wasn't romantically attracted to men. That feeling of liking other cocks has only grown over the years and I find that I want to look at gay porn as often as hetero porn. I haven't had a first-hand experience with another cock for many years, but continue to hope it'll happen. I'm not sure if I can call myself bisexual but I'm definitely something more than just straight.

By #613564 at 04,Sep,20 05:27
There is no 'sexual orientation, in Fantasy play!! How many guys play a female character in online games?
In fantasy, just relax, and it is FANTASY!! Enjoy it!!

By jeeno at 01,Sep,20 19:29 other posts of jeeno 
i guess...i felt the same..and after being on this site..im so obsessed over cocks now

By andrew999999999 at 01,Sep,20 15:12 other posts of andrew999999999 
I was the same. I was a member of a couple of adult social network sites, which have since closed down. I used to enjoy reading comments on my pics from men and women, and I would look at other men's pics and sometimes comment on them. I would also masturbate to cock pics and vids, and exchange messages with men. I wondered what it would be like to suck another man's cock, and one day, I got an opportunity to find out. Read about it here:


By 78chevy at 01,Sep,20 03:34 other posts of 78chevy 
I been bi curious for a long time since i was a teenager i remember sucking my old child hood friends dick in the back of my house in the summer of 1990. An I'm happy and proud to be bi curious i mess with both girl's and guy's.

By Olddude at 26,Aug,20 14:43 other posts of Olddude 
Yup, go for it!!

By heine at 25,Aug,20 08:53 other posts of heine 
for sure you are

By Smoothie71 at 22,Aug,20 10:50 other posts of Smoothie71 
I am married and never been with a guy. I do however have my wife fuck the life out of me with a strapon, maybe once a month (not enough 😂. We share our fantasies and the main one seems to be joining another couple for a night of ‘all holes’ action! Everything goes hope that happens soon
By german_guy at 22,Aug,20 22:52 other posts of german_guy 
Sound great 👍 😉

By #64328 at 22,Aug,20 15:21
I think under the right circumstances almost everyone is Bi curious

By bikev at 22,Aug,20 07:11 other posts of bikev 
You might well be. Touch and play. Its great.

By johndoe at 21,Aug,20 09:51 other posts of johndoe 
I am like that me too I like to see photos of cocks and buttocks of men but I never had relations with them even if sometimes the photos excites me a lot...

By #623140 at 20,Aug,20 14:26
I love anything that has to do with sex. But I really love watching hard cocks shoot huge loads of sperm could watch that all the time.

By cumonme1 at 14,Jun,20 10:50 other posts of cumonme1 
For a very long time i had wanted to try sucking cock, I finally did at 60yrs old. i should have started at a much younger age.

By #463848 at 14,Jun,20 08:05
Despite being married twice, I have always enjoyed seeing other cocks from boyhood onwards.

By #525579 at 17,Feb,17 10:48
I'm the same. If I see a guy sucking cock I get soo hard,I had a gay experience about 10 yrs ago and it was awesome, men are the best at sucking
By #472252 at 17,Feb,17 15:48
As I got older and with the web I became open minded and enjoy seeing other guys cock pics here
By #530545 at 05,Mar,17 10:38
me too

By #530319 at 05,Mar,17 21:32
me too

By #619391 at 12,Jun,20 20:11
Same here. When I was younger, only tits & pussy. Now I find that I enjoy looking a nice cut cock. Just need to actually taste it.

By #530258 at 02,Mar,17 00:56
Myself was never even aroused by"DICK" not guys, until a GF started telling fantasy me n her n a guy, then we bought a strap on, I thought more for her, after a few min suprised her by begging "harder harder" which btw made her CUM 4/5 diff times during
Her calling me from the bathroom at work while she masterbated fantasizing in detail about our 3way, her n I 69 poss, so she could see dick goin in my ass,tag team Bj

By #526576 at 22,Feb,17 03:49
Never worry about labels. It's totally natural for ppl to want to know what it's like to have sex with the same sex. It's also natural to never have that thought at all. It's nobodies business what turns you on in bed. If you aren't comfortable with ppl in your life knowing what turns you on, don't tell them. Check out adam4adam. You can hook up discreetly and ppl on there are usually pretty cool with all lvls of experience

By cumcouplessa at 19,Feb,17 03:51 other posts of cumcouplessa 
My hubby must be straight. When we invite a guy around for an evening of fun, he goes "straight" for the guys cock lol.
By #311947 at 21,Feb,17 13:06

By t-rex at 22,Feb,17 01:54 other posts of t-rex 

By #188764 at 06,Feb,14 12:44
There's nothing unusual with being a mostly-straight bisexual. There are LOTS of us out there. I have no interest in any romantic connection with another guy, but I love stroking and sucking another guy's cock.

Go on CraigsList and find a guy who seems compatible and is ok with taking it slow. Don't be afraid to admit you're a beginner. It's usually no problem finding a guy who who will do just mutual JO with you... and take it farther if you decide you want it.
By spermkiss at 06,Feb,14 15:27 other posts of spermkiss 
"Don't be afraid to admit you're a beginner." Right on! Most guys will be totally charmed to hear that and will be happy to help you along on your adventure at whatever pace you're comfortable.

By #343754 at 02,Feb,13 07:04
[ am in same boat as you but I know I am curious, can't wait to make it a reality
By #378158 at 04,Feb,14 18:23
be careful - i told my self i was going to suck one dick just to see what it was like - ended up sucking dicks for the next 20 years it is addictive. once you have a dick in your mouth it is easier to have more in your mouth
By #248658 at 05,Feb,14 14:40
I totally agree with that, I love to suck cock now, but i still love woman.

By spermkiss at 01,Feb,13 19:29 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, maybe. Or you could be a normal straight man. The truth is that ALL MEN like dicks, not just gay an bisexual men. Guys like to check each other out and often the checking out goes beyond looking. It could go to touching, playing, jacking and even sucking and the guy wouldn't have to turn in his straight membership card. Guys like dicks. All guys.
By #81191 at 25,Dec,13 14:41
I couldn't agree more It also goes right back in history where you will find that the Greeks had a play with boys initiating them into manhood.

By #316057 at 25,Dec,13 11:45
Me to who would help

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