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Small or big? What is the discussion?

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Started by bigone21 at 26,Feb,12 23:22  other posts of bigone21

so we see in this statistic that 95% of the guys are between 5 and 7 inches, so what is the discussion??

why keep asking in the forum: am i big enough?? no! not for being a well payed pornstar, but yes, if you take it away with your lover!!

everybody can be a rocking pornstar in his/her own bed! sex is creatifity!! and don't walk away for anything that your sexpartner likes!

except from our cocks, we have tongues, noses, fingers!! use them!! a small cock is no problem if the guy knows how to use his fingers or tongue!!

and how about big cocks than?? ...we are blessed, we know!!! we feed the desire, we feed the lust, we know we allways be welcomed, it's a thrill!! thanks to all who love size!!

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New Comment

By #556273 at 08,May,18 03:39
There are hollow strap ons at very reasonable prices & work just like an extension of yourself

By #147052 at 27,Feb,12 15:09
it is all in how you use your tools.

By #201583 at 27,Feb,12 05:42
Much past 7 is a turn off. For me its not the size, its the shape of the glans.

Adult Discussion Forum