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lost points

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 28,Feb,12 18:50  other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ
I recently commented on 2 pictures posted by "Scorpjon". I merely added confirmation to comments from a few others comments that the lady was another member, "Shandy". She has not been here for over 30 days. I see that I lost 10 points because my comment identifying her member name was removed from the comments on these pics, as were the comments posted by the other members who originally posted this observation. This is B S to lose points for pointing out to others that those pics were of another member who apparently does not know her pics were pilfered. Who else posted this observation? It is bad enough to post pics from other internet sites here, but to use a member's pic who is here, apparently without them knowing, and to be able to lose points for pointing that out is C R A P! "Scorpjon" obviously knew this was wrong to do, which is why the comments were removed from those posts. Someone who does this blatant infringement should be banned!!!

Similar topics: 1.What category?   2.Deleted accounts = loss of points   3.Point System Glitches?   4.Lost points for commenting on a pic....?   5.POINTS SYSTEM  

New Comment

By #68656 at 01,Mar,12 14:23
Obviously the "Scorpjon" individual is no longer with us as a member search for that name tells us
"No results found on your query"
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 02,Mar,12 13:44 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
Cool! Someone using the work of others for personal gain, particularly when called out on the carpet about it and they retaliate by hiding true facts shouldn't be here.!
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 02,Mar,12 13:46 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
But, what about the penalties others incur at the hands of such deviants for merely stating clear, honest, and true facts? No retribution or restitution?

By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 02,Mar,12 14:09 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
I just did some checking. My apology for being incorrect. The member in question is not, as stated earlier, "Scorpjon", but rather "Scorpjo"! So, I stand corrected; and this member IS still here taking credit for "Shandy" pics that appear to be without her concent. She hasn't even been on the site for over 30 days according to her page!!!

By #23223 at 28,Feb,12 19:10
If any member deletes comments that you have submitted you lose 5 points..If you believe these pictures are being copied or falsely represented I think the best thing to do is to take the site you have questions with to admin with your evidence to support your claim.. If you confront the member directly you believe to be dishonest I think there will be no way to win with that approach.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 28,Feb,12 19:24 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
I have. Thank you. Just wondered who it was that first pointed it out, as all comments saying who she was are gone. As far as I know, nobody had any confrontation about this. Only that it was stated that the pics were of another member. It was a fact I guess he didn't want others to find out about. All the proof anyone needs is to simply look at the pics then go to her page and see for themselves! Thanks though for input! Too bad some have to try to increase their own image by claiming the images of others without their knowledge.

Adult Discussion Forum