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Started by #240913 at 12,Mar,12 22:04
I've never had sex, given or recieved a hand job, or a blow im horny ALL THE TIME! who wants to be the first to do stuff to this dick?
[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Bin ich zu naiv f?r dieses hier ?   2.which excite you most to fuck a virgin or non-virgin   4.Any woman want my virgin cock?   5.any men here who are total bottoms?  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 13,Mar,12 18:00 other posts of spermkiss 
You are living proof that virginity is not "lost", but rather is given away.
By #240913 at 13,Mar,12 22:11
i suppose I dont think Id just grab the first person off the street though. I want it to be with someone special but its so hard waiting
By spermkiss at 13,Mar,12 23:20 other posts of spermkiss 
I know what you mean. Everyone remembers his first time so of course you want it to be with someone special. Best wishes that you find that special person soon.

By #147052 at 13,Mar,12 14:26
You ain't a virgin if you are stroking it!

Adult Discussion Forum