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what is the best position to fuck a girl in?

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Started by #210090 at 27,Mar,12 22:24
what are some good positions and describe them? and go comment on my pics

Similar topics: 1.Sex Position have you tried?   2.Best position to fuck him.   3.Amazon position   4.Best Position to FUCK your wife/GF   5.Favorite position to fuck a pussy?  

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By casado at 11,Nov,24 15:29 other posts of casado 
prefiro com ela de 4

By #172995 at 08,Apr,12 21:55
Any thing that she desires. Variety is key. Each position feels differently. Avoid getting into a rut.

Can't go wrong with missionary. Face to face missionary is the most intimate.

Don't shortchange foreplay and afterplay.
By #164428 at 09,Apr,12 01:22
By #172995 at 09,Apr,12 04:36
Don't poop out after your/her orgasm. In the afterglow, hold her, cuddle her, tell her how special she is, and how much you appreciate her.
By bigone21 at 27,Apr,12 22:29 other posts of bigone21 
sure, but also SHE could hold HIM afterwards, and tell HIM she had a great time!

the key is NOT a "how to" manual, but to be able to TALK about sex with your partner. what you like and desire, show affection and learn to communicate about that!

and for now, BIG kiss on the cheeks (upper or lower as you desire..!), hold eachother, and at it again tomorrow!!

By #130113 at 08,Apr,12 19:09
i love missionary position where i can fuck face to face n kissin lips

By bigone21 at 01,Apr,12 22:16 other posts of bigone21 
man, you should learn to be the best lover you can be, looking at her signals!! not ask this question in this forum! i don't know the girl! i don't know what she likes! ask her! experiment! find out for yourself! your dick is OK, so you can experiment ALL you like!

use your mind, tongue, fingers, nose, sense, let her get to love your dick..!

and now, get off, and give her the best you can give her!! and she will learn you, if you let her!!
By #6568 at 03,Apr,12 10:46

By Foreskinlover at 02,Apr,12 09:44 other posts of Foreskinlover 
Hard up against a wall...and fuck her arse hole

By #220845 at 01,Apr,12 19:00
I like doggie and with her on her back holding her legs up with my shoulders or hands

By #215672 at 28,Mar,12 04:47
me i like doggy all the way

By slipper at 28,Mar,12 02:57 other posts of slipper 
The best position is... any that includes ME!!! But, seriously? Any with the girl atop.

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