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guys always wanna cam? WTF!!!

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Started by #242521 at 31,Mar,12 05:39
Is it just me or is every 2nd guy on this site obsessed with C2C? Don't you get it, women don't want to watch some desperate guy jerk off. Its not as much of a turn on as you think...just saying

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New Comment

By bigone21 at 31,Mar,12 21:51 other posts of bigone21 
as a gay guy, here's my two cents:

i stopped camming on MSN with other gay guys years ago, because the guy on the other end has three, four or five cam-contacts at the same time where between he switches, and if he cums he is gone without even saying thanks or goodbye!

i don't think it is anything other than rude! so, i stopped being game to that! there's my pics, jack off on that!!

the last few weeks (i'm here for about two months now) i had private conversations with guys, gay, bi & straight that went on for hours and ended with climax!! THAT was nice!!

mindblowing HOT conversations and sometimes IT (fantasy with a guy/big dick/anal/whatever!) happened what they would have happened for all their lives! i would always prefer a guy that can tell me what he wants from me, or want to do with me, and share that fantasy, to a guy that is flashing and waving his pole, however big it is, i don't care!

By qhaos at 31,Mar,12 07:27 other posts of qhaos 
to defend the male mentality, i can say that males would always see something good when they cum and the search of a girl who would make this for them is very hard. from the female point of view is not very pleasant i know, but I guess you could always find a point of agreement, is not it?

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