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How old were you..?

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Started by bigone21 at 21,Apr,12 16:32  other posts of bigone21
...When you first realised you weren't getting any younger?

New Comment

By #172995 at 22,Apr,12 00:37
When I wake up every morning I realize that "My getup and go done got up and went".
By bigone21 at 22,Apr,12 20:53 other posts of bigone21 
haha!! funny!!

By #181785 at 22,Apr,12 01:19
My mind isn't getting any older it stopped at 21, but my body didn't get that message

By bigone21 at 21,Apr,12 16:32 other posts of bigone21 
7 !!
By bigone21 at 21,Apr,12 16:32 other posts of bigone21 
By bigone21 at 21,Apr,12 23:02 other posts of bigone21 
never mind..! this is only a SATIRE to the thread: At what age did you first have sex?

i think, from young age, kids have sexual feelings in which they grow up to puberty and adolescense, and that is something that is VERY ok! questions will come up, and that is for the parents to take care of, the best they can do.

nothing much to be discussed here in this dicussion forum on what age you did this or that! let's not do that!

Adult Discussion Forum