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Started by Ray10754 at 01,May,12 10:17  other posts of Ray10754
Similar topics: 1.Penis piercings and other painful looking objects 2.Guys with piercings 3.How to lick a pussy with piercings. 4.Cock piercing help! 5.PIERCINGS - WHERE/HOW MANY/HOW? New CommentComments: |
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This is my 00 gauge 3/4" screwball which I have been wearing for a while with great joy. Better yet I just upsized to a 1/2" ring . What a ride, I love it swinging between my legs and kissing my balls when I can walk around commando
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Chcked out your profile Nice set of photos
Thanks for posting
Some one you feel comfortable with and trust their jugment!!!
I feel sorry for joystick, he is obviously unable to actually use his brain to do reasonable research.
Ray, interesting topic for discussion. I am most curious about why someone would pierce their cock, so I look forward to the responses. Not into piercing, myself. I don't understand why anyone would do it, and I don't find it particularly attractive BUT...
It seems like a number of people on the site are piercing fans and, since they don't cause ME any harm, to each his/her own!
As I,and many other's have stated, It is somthing that is nt for everyone.
As for my self, I enjoy the additional weight that i get from it hanging there first and formost, Then there is the intrest factor of others,Being an avid nudist myself, having body piersings is a great Ice breaker, Most that don't understand or those that are interested will most likely strike up a conversation with a total stranger to become informed about them.
In regards to sexual stimalation, Some people find them very erotic and pleasing.
When having intercourse, (weather it be with male or female) It dose highten the sensation of the piens head and glands to a certian degree, I have had those that dont particularly like them during intercourse but enjoy the stimulation of seeing them, Those are the times that I am happy to ablige and remove them for them.
Basicly speaking for myself, It is somthing that I have always admired and wante them for me! If any one else enjoys them , then thats even better!
I would like to thank you for showing genuine intrest in this topic,and being honest about what you like and don't like,rather than the retroric that certain others have shown.
I hope this helps you understand it a little better and If you have any spacific questions you would like to know please feel free to ask
I know people with pierced ears, bellybuttons and nipples who have gotten infections or torn the tissue in the pierced areas. Given that a cock piercing is in a much more sensitive part of the body, what are the risks of these things happening? It seems that, due to the placement of the piercing, infection might be a risk...(Not asking for medical advice...just curious about the experience from the point of view from someone who has piercings)
I would tend to belive that the most dangerous time would be when first pierced, they need to be kept ultra clean at all times during the healing period,after that I would imagine that proper igine will take care of most concerns.
I myself remove my P/A daily soak the ring in cleaner,wash my cock wit anti bacterial soap then replace the ring and go about my day.
I do the same procidure prior to and after sex to help keep all involved safe!
Belive me I have been hit in the crotch a few times during work by accident (I am a builder by trade) It is not a good feeling at all that takes a little time to recoupe from!!
Other than getting it caught on something and being pulled excesivly I dont think It could be torn from normal se actions! If it dose get torn I dont think it would be repairable
Can you explain how they have done so, please? Do they increase sensitivity or is it more the visual appeal?
Also there is an element of visual appeal in it for some of us too.
Only my tongue and hood piercing have sexual functions, think those are obvious
Absolutely love P/A piercings