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I need you opinion.

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Started by #252079 at 02,May,12 15:47
I am curious what yall think and what should i do? I don't know if my friend is curious and too shy to say something but I've given him plenty of opportunities to go through with. We are both "straight". We are always horse playing with each other and i have show him picks of my dick multiple times as a "made you look" joke and he's never said or even insinuated for me stop. I've even caught looking at the pics when he's stolen my phone. While wrestling I've purposefully grabbed his dick multiple times to maybe get out of a headlock or something. We tea bag(thru cloths) each others stuff just to aggravate one another. We share personal secrets with each other like dick size and things of the sort. I don't want to lose him as a friend so I haven't said anything but I've obviously gave opportunities to say or do something but he won't. What do y'all think?

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By #709175 at 25,Jan,24 13:19
I think you both are displaying an air of reluctance based on not wanting to offend each other and loose the friendship. The worst case scenario is if it is just in your head, think that through. If it is an equal fascination then you don't need or want words. Action is what will bring you both to the same conclusion. My personal experience would suggest that neither of you are straight, that's mask that you are wanting to maintain. Straight guys who want to suck cock do it anonymously and quickly and it usually fleeting, like a glory hole, after all they just want to suck and maybe get sucked. Your relationship has deeper motives, you need to think about what that really means. You can't have a close friend of the same gender that you occasionally suck and fuck.. No, no.

By #252079 at 06,May,12 13:45
Well just to keep y'all updated. Yesterday my buddy and I hung out drinking and beings that our friendship means more I wanted to take things slow. I come up with a way to ask him if he'd ever let another man give him a bj. He said that a bj is a bj so it didn't matter. From I made insinuations all day. Still taking things slow. I think the next time we are by ourselves and drunk im going to ask him if he would let me.
By #147052 at 07,May,12 14:35
In a discussion, being drunk may lead in a direction that you had not intended. Stay sober and talk about it with him. If he is a good friend, he may want you to take the lead and go down on him.

By #147052 at 03,May,12 14:17
If he is a good friend, honesty is the best way to go. Flat out ask him if he would like to experience something more that what has transpired as of today and you take the lead. He just may surprise you and ask you why it took so long.

By bigone21 at 02,May,12 23:24 other posts of bigone21 
grab a few beers, and find out!!

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