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Three cheers for Obama!

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Started by bigone21 at 09,May,12 22:34  other posts of bigone21
On the news here in the Netherlands: President Obama endorses the right of marriage for same-sex couples!

If I were American, I would KNOW who to vote for in November!

Do you think this is a major step?

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By #601496 at 16,Jan,20 22:11
Now, that's a PRESIDENT.

By #2331 at 14,May,12 14:18
Big Tim 51-if God didn't create Adam and Steve who did?
By bigone21 at 15,May,12 23:11 other posts of bigone21 
if you think there IS a God, why did he NOT create Adam and Steve?? Who did that?? and going along this line, what else was NOT created by God?

it's pretty simple!! if there even IS a God that knows the best and is almighty, ALL we see and have to live with, is HIS work!!

war, cancer, vio*lence, starvation, ch*ild-molesting, high gas-prices, ALL HIS work and will!

Adam and Steve: HIS WILL! if He would Steve to be Eve, he would create that! would't he?? But he did NOT!

so, to all the RELIGOUS minds that think that homosexuality is wrong, what did YOUR God have in mind when he put me on this earth in 1964??

By bigone21 at 14,May,12 23:28 other posts of bigone21 
and at the end of page two of the thread i started, i'm still happy that there IS even a first BLACK president of the USA, being the FIRST president of the USA to endorse same-sex marriage!!

By bigone21 at 13,May,12 18:56 other posts of bigone21 
@jessica35: woman, i grant you your opinion that i'm an ABSOLUTE ARSE HOLE (your words!). fine withe me!

on your comment: i was NOT refering to slavery, i was refering to modern history, to Rosa Parks 1955, and all that HAD to, аnd DID follow after that!

and if you don't recall homosexuals being beaten up, just for the fun of it, discriminated against, being put in prison, even being castrated only 50 years ago, you were born yesterday and haven't read yesterday's paper!!

By #146919 at 10,May,12 17:35
President Obamas party has just received a donation in exes of $1.000.000 for endorsing gay marriages you just have to love politics.
By bigone21 at 10,May,12 23:27 other posts of bigone21 
fact is that he said what he said!! ALL TIME NEW!! endorsing same sex couples marriage, first time a president of the USA said that!!

and to put this statement down, is, in the perspective of history, as stupid as saying the USA should have NEVER granted negro's any rights!
By #146919 at 11,May,12 06:49
shut the fuck up you stupid little usual your blind over opinionated mind has seen my comment read some thing that is not there and made up it own mind what i mean.
By bigone21 at 11,May,12 17:55 other posts of bigone21 
"shut the fuck up you stupid little prick???"

you do NOT tell me to shut up mr7inches!! you may want me to, but i couldn't care less!!

"shut the fuck up you stupid little prick" yourself!! "stupid little prick"
By #146804 at 11,May,12 18:00
Your not getting it bigone... The point is Obama is pushing for gay marriages because someone gave him a crap load of money, not because he thinks it's the right thing to do.

"President Obamas party has just received a donation in exes of $1,000,000 for endorsing gay marrage dont you just love politics"

I don't know if this is true, but it's the point he's making and your simply not reading his comment.
By bigone21 at 11,May,12 23:11 other posts of bigone21 
IF, IF, IF that is true... (not e VERIVIED argument!)
1 million in american president's campaigning is just PEANUTS!! Mitt Romney can do better than that on every point a lobby wants to buy!!
By #222521 at 12,May,12 07:32
$1,000,000 may seem peanuts but a peanut is still a peanut.the story is true by the way and did bigone21 say that giving homosexual couples the right to marry has the same historic magnitude as the emacipation of the slaves? i dont recall homosexuals being seen as a sub species to be enslaved,bought and sold,R-A-P-E-D,murdered,lynched,worked to death,tortured,starved and beaten just because their skin happens to be a different colour. bigone21 you are an absolute arse hole and have a really over inflated opinion of their own worth!
By bigone21 at 13,May,12 18:34 other posts of bigone21 
@jessica35: woman, i grant you your opinion that i'm an ABSOLUTE ARSE HOLE (your words!). fine withe me!

on your comment: i was NOT refering to slavery, i was refering to modern history, to Rosa Parks 1955, and all that HAD to, аnd DID follow after that!

and if you don't recall homosexuals being beaten up, just for the fun of it, discriminated against, being put in prison, even being castrated only 50 years ago, you were born yesterday and haven't read yesterday's paper!!

By #36548 at 11,May,12 07:34
fuck obama cheap gas, a strong economy and a secure border would impress the hell outta me. gays getting married is the last thing on my mind.
By bigone21 at 11,May,12 17:57 other posts of bigone21 
cheap gas??? you americans pay HALF of what we pay in europe!! and still complaining...?!

By bigone21 at 11,May,12 23:46 other posts of bigone21 
fuck Obama?? rodman11, you don't understand what this man means to the rest of the world! the first black president, i think the most decent and self-controlled man in power, this ONE guy, Barrack Obama, is the ONE guy that can lead the world! Mitt Romney is not in the same class!!

you worrie about cheap gas!! other things are going on!! and sure, as a straight guy, showing off your ass on this site, why would you care about anything that has an impact on peoples lives!!

secure borders?? make a wish!! because mexicans will invade the USA!!

By #193081 at 10,May,12 00:14
Obama is code name for "Big Pile of Shit" Err'body know dat'.
By #6568 at 10,May,12 07:30
That may be, but for the rest of us in the world who perhaps have reason to look at the USA with worry and concern, Obama looks a lot more believable, trustworthy and statesmanlike than just about ALL of the others over the last 40 years.......

......A LOT more trustworthy than the beady-eyed viscious little rodent that was there before!!!....

....Up to Obama the 'movie actor' was the least feared as the best of a pretty dire bunch, frankly, considering that this is the most powerful seat in the world.
By bigone21 at 10,May,12 23:10 other posts of bigone21 
i agree with ALL being said by oldbugle!!
By #170523 at 11,May,12 00:09
With all due respect,How closly did you follow the Foreign and Domestic polices of America's Presidents over the last 40 years?
By bigone21 at 11,May,12 17:44 other posts of bigone21 
from memory, and being born in 1964, i remember Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan (2 terms), Bush Sr, Clinton (2 terms), W. Bush (2 terms) and Obama (2 terms in 2016!!!!!)

how close?? closer than most americans do follow the news about foreign and domestic policies in europe!!

By #240000 at 09,May,12 23:56
If that were the only reason to vote for someone you should not vote. Marriage is for a man and a woman. Call same sex marriage something else.
By bigone21 at 10,May,12 22:37 other posts of bigone21 
let's call same-sex marriage: same-sex marriage!! that is as clear as can be!!!

marriage is for a man and a woman? maybe where you live, thank god not here in my country!! and all that is has to be, has to be the same until the end of times? NOTHING should EVER change???

i cannot even vote in the US, but Obama has my strong sympathy!!
By #146804 at 10,May,12 22:46
I have no idea why people start this whole "Marriage is for a man and woman ONLY" business. It's not like Christianity invented the idea of marriage you know? And it's not like a man being married to a man is going to some how demean the marriage of a man and a woman.

If we're going to go with the marriage is a Christian thing then we should change the word marriage to something else for both same sex and opposite sex marriages to remove the religious connection.

But I also don't understand why gay people argue so much for the word. Here in the UK it's known as a Civil Partnership and I think most people are happy with that. Though of course you say "It's just a word" so why not change it? Or "It's just a word" so why not keep it?

Sometimes you have to give the people stuck in the past a small victory to get things rolling. So yeah, call it something else if you have to. It's better than it being banned.
By bigone21 at 10,May,12 23:09 other posts of bigone21 
strawhat, you are ever so right!!

i don't want to take away anything from anyone!!

i just want to LEGALY have the same position with my man for 20 years as other people do that take care of eachother!!

By #222521 at 10,May,12 07:53
why would someone in the netherlands not only wont to cheer the persident of the usa but care what he live in country with a long and proud tradition of tolarance for other peoples sexual oriontation,colour ,race or creed(the usa is just catching up).so be proud of your own country and people and not those of others
By bigone21 at 10,May,12 22:19 other posts of bigone21 
well jessica, i AM proud of my country!! and ALSO afraid of what populist and right wing parties will transform it to! politics in this country are fucked up!

FEAR is what is the issue here! politically, this is the land of the SCARED!

and so: if Obama speaks out this way about same-sex marriage, i see hope in that, a change to the good! that, in the end, we will learn to live together!

that's what i meant!

By #239636 at 10,May,12 19:39
Obama said what he thought he nessasary to be re-elected.

By #68656 at 10,May,12 08:44
We can speculate as much as we like about the political climate in the US and the "virtues" of their various candidates. However the American people will ultimately decide at the next democratic election whom THEY want to be their President.
By #147052 at 10,May,12 14:20
Better study up on American politics my is not the democracy you think it is anymore....the rich and super rich control who is going to be elected and us little guys out here don't mean squat. Ever hear of Citizens United our new corporate persons who are spending millions to buy this election. Study up on the KOCH Brothers.....they are coming to a country near you (if they are not already there). Obama was backed into a corner this past week by comments made by his VP.
Now the Christian right is having a field day. Take a look at the comments from some of the folks here on this site....they like showing their dicks to the world but they would be appalled if someone in their hometown know what existed here with their pictures.

By boy at 09,May,12 23:02 other posts of boy 
Well, of course it is a major step for the gay community in the US, but although I do not know how many gays there are in the US, I fear the number of very conservative and narrow-minded people might be higher. So he might lose a lot of votes in the next election.

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