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Internet Rage Bans

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #146804 at 18,May,12 19:26
Every time I seem to criticise someone's photos (at there request, and as in constructive criticism) I seemed to get banned.

However it's never by the person whom I was talking to but from someone else who had internet-rage and banned me.

If you ban me because you **** me, fine - but if you ban me because of something I said to someone else and you've taken it wrongly, how about PMing me first, yeah?

Similar topics: 1.HOLY SHIT IN A CELESTIAL BUCKET!!!   2.older guys and internet   3.The inevetablility of non-original internet photos - a possible solution   4.Banned   5.what concerts have you went too..  

New Comment

By #59855 at 19,May,12 21:15
From Matt's Wife: I don't leave bad comments on peoples pics, That is in very poor taste

Adult Discussion Forum