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The inevetablility of non-original internet photos - a possible solution

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Started by #7976 at 15,Oct,10 02:21
This one's mostly for Admin:

If folks are going to post internet photos, which is inevitable it seems, how about putting an "internet" category on the photo upload page. Perhaps some of the enterprising folk who post pictures that are not their own will at least admit to it.

For everyone else: your opinions?

Similar topics: 1.Am i doing this right?   2.HOLY SHIT IN A CELESTIAL BUCKET!!!   3.Internet Rage Bans   4.The "web derived images" issue   5.Issues Uploading photos  

New Comment

By #10886 at 15,Oct,10 02:30
I don't have a real problem with "internet photos" per se, I just look if they are nice and go on. What DOES bother me though is the copyright violation. The unauthorized, uncredited, and uncompensated use of copyrighted material is a violation of federal law in the US, and most likely the same in other countries.
By #7976 at 15,Oct,10 02:37
It does make you wonder what is happening with the photos we post here doesn't it?

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