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Why i am still a virgin?

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Started by #238854 at 19,Jun,12 02:30
Is it because my dick is deformed?

Similar topics: 1.VIRGIN   2.which excite you most to fuck a virgin or non-virgin   3.Virgin!!!!   5.Any woman want my virgin cock?  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 22,Dec,17 21:58 other posts of leopoldij 
No. It's probably because you haven't had sex yet.
By #502711 at 22,Dec,17 22:26

By #147052 at 19,Jun,12 14:07
Why ask us? Your problem because you won't take care of it.

By slipper at 19,Jun,12 06:10 other posts of slipper 
No, it's because you are sitting around playing on-line when it would probably be more productive to be out where women actually ARE. Get out, interact, and see where things lead.

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