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X GIRLS :rate my cock

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Started by #273597 at 21,Jun,12 10:34
I need opinions, bad or good, but please let me know

Similar topics: 1.Rate my Cock....   2.rate my uncut cock   3.Girls rate my cock   4.Hey guys and girls please rate my cock!   5.Rate My Indonesian Dick!  

New Comment

By #68656 at 21,Jun,12 10:54
As can be clearly seen going by the title plus a perusal of his "member`s recent comments" indicates definitively he requires those opinions from females only.
By #218130 at 21,Jun,12 12:25
All these posts " rate my cock" etc is truly irritating and so boring. Is that all they think about? Yes, they think with their dicks. The whole world revolve around their mighty, big dicks. The so called " God's given gift to woman" As always, just my opinion, no disrespect intended...
By #273597 at 21,Jun,12 12:34
you are right,...sorry i tried to delete it but I couldn'r sorry again
By #218130 at 21,Jun,12 12:45
No problem, apology accepted. I'm not here to fight or be rude. Sure you will get comments from the ladies, give it some time. Maybe try a different approach. Not all the women want to hear " I wanna fuck you so hard" etc. Some respect goes a long way
By bella! at 21,Jun,12 15:25 other posts of bella! 
Hear! Hear! I have the same sentiments dreamer. This is a porn site and just as importantly, a social site. If you were any setting and you see someone interesting, of course your initial connection will be visual but after that 'ya gotta engage what's between your ears not what's between your legs. I hope a female perspective helps. Good luck and have fun.
By #218130 at 21,Jun,12 15:40
I was hoping that you would give your input

Adult Discussion Forum