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What's with everyone bailing??

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Started by #254338 at 03,Jul,12 15:51
I went to check out my "favourites" page and almost 1/4 of the images on my first page had been deleted (user was deleted or image deleted by user)... is this typical? Is the turnover that dramatic?

Has anyone else lost their favourite cock or pussy picture recently?

New Comment

By #279137 at 04,Jul,12 16:04
I'm new to the site but I intend to stick around. If u like my photos then add to favourites and ur b sure not to loose them ! Lol

Also I agre wiv Spermkiss comment I think alot of the straight guys hope for lots of ladies commenting and find blokes commenting insted!
By #254338 at 20,Jul,12 12:22
Definitely mostly guys on this site - even the SYC side seems to be guys posting their current (or ex?) partners' pics...

By spermkiss at 04,Jul,12 15:59 other posts of spermkiss 
As a long time member of SYD that very much has been my experience. Members come and go all the time.

Much of the turnover (at least on the male side) I think is men who are basically straight and stumble upon this site and find that they enjoy looking at dicks. They join, post some photos and then insecurity and guilt kick in. They become afraid that they are turning gay and leave.
By #254338 at 20,Jul,12 12:20
I suppose they may also just be afraid that if a friend/ partner finds them on the site, that person would think they were gay...

By slipper at 04,Jul,12 05:15 other posts of slipper 
That's why I just save them to my own disks.

Adult Discussion Forum