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Cum squirt stories

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Started by jocstfr at 18,Jul,12 22:55  other posts of jocstfr
We all know that it is hard to predict where your cum will end up while in the process of having an explosive orgasm. I have (not on purpose) ejaculated on a girlfriend's dashboard in her car, an opened pocketbook, a computer keyboard, and several times on various articles of clothing. Anyone care to share their stories??

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By #284902 at 19,Jul,12 02:14
one time i was beating off sitting in my window on the second story over my driveway when my mom was doing some work in the drive when i was climaxing she heard me and looked up right as i was cumming my load landed on her face and chest she freaked out
By #261269 at 19,Jul,12 04:24
Kind of hard to beat this!
By #484484 at 20,Jun,15 16:03
That's the best so far. lol

By Blade at 20,Jun,15 04:57 other posts of Blade 
I cum fairly heavy, and I still shoot it quite far. But when younger, I could really shoot my cum, especially when it was more watery than other times.

I've shot on my sleeping friends during sleepovers, all over multiple cars in public parking lots, all over the inside dashboard and windows of my own car, and other cars thru the years. I even had a jerk off buddy when I was 15. We did it at his house since both his parents worked. After shooting my cum all over in front of him, he made me cover it when I came. But when he wasn't there or wasn't looking I'd let my cum fly when I came. I must have coated most of his bedroom and living room with my cum. I had to wipe up when it was too obvious.

By #264896 at 20,Jul,12 16:00
I have several ... the funniest was my college years as a super horny student. I was about to have sex with a hot sorority babe and laying on my back with a raging hard on. She carefully unpackaged a condom and began rolling it down my dick. When she had it about halfway down I couldn't hold the cum back and blew my nuts. Needless to say she was both surprised and disappointed.
By jocstfr at 21,Jul,12 14:51 other posts of jocstfr 
That happened to me once too, only she didnt even get a chance to put the condom on. She just touched my dick to attempt to put it on and I spewed all over her. She was not a happy camper and I was embarrassed

By #149682 at 19,Jul,12 07:13
My ex was giving me a blowjob and she took i out to jerk me while i came long story short i shot on her cat which was on the floor about 5 feet away haha
By jocstfr at 20,Jul,12 00:58 other posts of jocstfr 
wow you have long range cum power!

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