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Is this a measuring device ?

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Started by #285812 at 28,Jul,12 22:40
My friend threw this tube, ( cylnder ), whatever it is and told me stick me dick in it, so I did. Does anyone know what this thing is?? It is 9.5", (24.1 cm) tall. My dick went to the 8" ( 20.3 cm ), I marked it. My dick could have gone further, buts whats the point!! What is this thing suppose to do? I figure it just measures.
Thanks for any help.......

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New Comment

By DarkMax at 09,May,24 15:36 other posts of DarkMax 
This is a measuring device

By #287786 at 29,Jul,12 01:25
Yeah that is a penis pump and as ray says you have to use caution when using them. I have read some guys use them to gorge up before sex because it gives a temporary bigger size.
By #285812 at 29,Jul,12 01:27
Thanks............believe it or not, I never of a penis pump !

By Ray10754 at 28,Jul,12 22:52 other posts of Ray10754 
That is a piens pump tube! The pump is supposed to increase the length of your dick,It is not a measuring device.
If you choose to continue to use it, use it with caution!! An inexperianced pumper can cause damage to his dick, hence, broken **** vessils,black and blue apperance.
Any lenght that is acomplished will be short lived.
What it dose is draw extra **** into the tissue and appears to be bigger but will disapeare after a short time.
Like I said earlier USE CAUTION IF YOU DO USE IT!! Google piens pumping for more information
By #285812 at 29,Jul,12 01:21
Thank you, I will google it.thanks again

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