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Accurately Measuring

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Started by #276587 at 09,Dec,12 17:09
Ok, I see a lot of guys measuring their dicks here, but it seems like there's a bit of cheating going on. I'd like to see pix of true length, which should be done with the ruler or measuring tape on top of your cock. Also don't push the ruler or tape a 1/2" into your body, that's cheating lol. Especially when your cock is already bigger then average, there's no need to add more to it! Btw, mine is exactly 5.5c

Come on guys, let's do this right!

Similar topics: 1.cock measuring!   2.measuring other cocks   3.Cock measuring   4.measuring your girth   5.quarters and measuring  

New Comment

By #485312 at 02,Mar,17 02:24
no such thing as accurate measuring, its close enough and whether it hits the spot or not *lix*

By #524323 at 25,Feb,17 11:52
Press the rule or tape on the top of your cock hard into or against your pubic bone, then measure, doesn't matter if your pushing into fat or skin, that is the true measurement
By #455846 at 01,Mar,17 22:18
totally agree .Cos if a girl straddles you, all that is used. I can still feel lots of my penis under that skin

By leopoldij at 25,Feb,17 14:36 other posts of leopoldij 
I agree.
As I wrote in /forum/thread.php?id=3911#9 ,
I know someone who said that his cock was 6 inches and it turned out it was 5.97 inches. People lie like crazy when it comes to cock size. This guy had an error of a full 0.5 percent. Ridiculous!

By #519017 at 06,Dec,16 11:53
Is there an "official" SYD standard measurement? Do I measure top side from belly to nozzle, or underside from balls to nozzle?
By soulpioneer at 25,Feb,17 10:30 other posts of soulpioneer 
From top of penis base...to tip of penis is standard measurement.

By #371590 at 25,Feb,17 09:31
I'm about 7.5 inches. No measuring pics though

By soulpioneer at 25,Feb,17 08:07 other posts of soulpioneer 
Hi guys, I just added a measuring pics, for the fun of it....and I agree...there can be variations and some cheating (to a certain degree) depending on how ur doing the measuring. I will admit I've pushed a little into my skin in my frontal above cock base measuring pic...which probably allowed me close to the 7" mark. I'm prolly 6-7 ish in reality, but whose counting? lol- the pic of my bottom side measurment, is more liberal too, and ur cock base there is prolly longer as it reaches back towards your balls. But the correct measurement is usually at the top, at the base of ur cock to the tip of penis. Just as long as you know ur basic range within an inch flexibility...I think its pretty accurate. Hence I say when fully hard, 6 - 7ish...it can fluctuate. I'll add a girth pic soon

By niceonebighead at 05,Dec,16 17:31 other posts of niceonebighead 
mine was was measured 4 my venus if u dont belive it sobe it what u think i care less it is what it is
By #485312 at 06,Dec,16 07:57
l wonder how many dudes have made fake tape measures to fudge their sizes, as nothing would surprise me, lve seen fake measures for fishing to make them look bigger..*lix*

By #204902 at 19,Dec,12 21:04
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By #297753 at 19,Dec,12 15:27
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That's it. Does it matter? Not really, as I'm married and have sex 3-5 times per week so no complaints about size at all...
By #327529 at 19,Dec,12 21:01
yep...that's it alright...and yep, that's a nice dick alright too

By #194437 at 12,Dec,12 00:16
5.5 inch or 14cm!

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By #327529 at 19,Dec,12 21:00
that looks very honest and accurate to me; nice dick too if I may add

By #332336 at 19,Dec,12 14:45
The problem is there is no "rule" for measuring a cock. The only real measurement is if when you are slamming it in a woman, she tells you to take it easy, you have a big cock. If she yawns and dozes off, you have a tiny peter.

By naked-porn at 12,Dec,12 13:49 other posts of naked-porn 
pubic bone pressed is admitted...the problem is that all the people use different methods so it's not easy to compare

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