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Digital Cameras and Taking Pictures

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Started by #21594 at 03,Nov,09 23:06
I would be interested to know what digital cameras our members are using and photo techiques such as using tripods and extra lights etc. Some people probably use phone cameras or webcams. Any info may be useful for newbies on the site. I use a Canon Powershot A470 and sometimes a Fuji A640. In low light I sometimes use a mini tripod to steady the camera due to the slow shutter speed. I never use a flash but sometimes I use an LED flashlight. There are some really good quality images on this site so how do you get your pics to look good?

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By #6568 at 04,Nov,09 10:36
My latest camera to use is a Panasonic Lumix FX 150 which is tiny but produces the most amazing quality pix at A3. It has 'high definition' video which I have yet to play about with. This is good enough that individual frames can be extracted as quality stills, so perhaps I will be able to capture a better cum-shot. So far I have only been sucessful once with the 'anticipation method' as my orgasms usually destroys my brain/finger co-ordination!

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