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Backscatter TSA Scanners and big dicks. Do they stop you? Join the club.

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Started by #296871 at 04,Sep,12 04:01
Has anyone else had trouble with the new Backscatter scanners at the airport. They are the machines that they make you put your hands above your head. I get caught 90% of the time, in them but never in the old ones. They then give me a resolution pat down. This is different from the pat downs they do right at the scanners. They take you off to a room where two guys really pat you down. You can take a person with you into the room, my wife thinks it is funny. They use the front of their hands for everything other than the groin. Then they use the back of their hand and yes they rub you. As soon as they find out it is your Dick they sheepishly laugh and let you go.

Anyone else had this happen to them?

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By #296871 at 07,Sep,12 03:55
I don't know about the Gov having bad people. The person looking at the scan is somewhere else in the Airport. The guys who have searched me honestly looked a bit embarrassed. They use the front of their hands until they get to the groin then they use the back of their hands. I have never thought any of them were having fun doing it. I would rather have them be cautious than have the plane blow up. I am traveling again in a few weeks and I am trying different underwear. Sound funny but it is annoying getting taken to a room to get searched.
By spermkiss at 08,Sep,12 06:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Try going thru the line with NO underware and snug fitting pants.

By #275560 at 07,Sep,12 02:46
wake up people! your Govt is shafting you big time!!!

By #275560 at 07,Sep,12 02:45
you Americans seriously need to take a stance with the TSA!!! they employ known sex pests and criminals because no one in their right mind would want to do what they do!!! these so called Govt. workers get a huge kick out of the control they have over you while they search for "b o m b s"!!!! yeh right!!!.....your rights are being violated beyond repair. its only a matter of time before we get the same here in the UK, but we dont and wont take that shit!
Come on people and wake up!!! the TSA and your DHS are nothing but sick crooks getting a huge kick out of these so called searches!!! (

By #296871 at 05,Sep,12 13:49
The real problem is it happens all the time. Since those new scanners I have flown 12 times and been taken to the room 9 and searched out near the scaner once twice they let me go. I never get searched if I go though the old ones.
[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 05,Sep,12 19:35 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, Johnwilly, I guess this is something you'll just have to endure because you've got a big cock. As I said previously, I wish I had this problem and I'm sure that a lot of other SYD members do too. So just go with it and enjoy the attention that your cock is generating.
By #296871 at 06,Sep,12 04:14
WELL I GUESS THAT IS IT NO ONE ELSE HAS THE PROBLEM? It is hard to believe with the size of these guys Dicks I see on this site.
By spermkiss at 06,Sep,12 18:21 other posts of spermkiss 
Maybe other members just don't travel as much as you and I do. You said you'd be reluctant to go thru the security line with an erection. Why? Try it and see what happens. Besides, it's fun to get an erection in public.

By #11431 at 05,Sep,12 13:28
are you sure you werent on the set of some porno sci fi film rather than an airport ?

By #296871 at 04,Sep,12 16:53
Love that story wish it would happen to me.
By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 19:10 other posts of spermkiss 
A related subject is the old Mae West line "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

By #296871 at 04,Sep,12 15:49
That is the first thing I tried to do (drop my pants). I told them I really didn't mind just dropping my shorts so they could see there wasn't a bomb. There are always two of them in the room plus someone you can bring in also. They were not happy witht the idea of me dropng my shorts. They are fairly serious boat this. It really is not a joke to them Although I thik it is funny now. I even have written to the TSA
By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 16:29 other posts of spermkiss 
It sounds as though you were way ahead of me on this. Just drop trou so that they could see your package was all dick and no bomb and get on the airplane. But government red tape wouldn't let you do that. Our tax dollars at work.

By #277673 at 04,Sep,12 16:08
i had an issue like that. I was at the airport and this uber hot chick in front of me bent over in her short skirt. She wasn't wearing underwear so I got a great view. Of course I got a semi and was going through security and the pulled me aside and patted me down. The found out that it was my penis that was bulging from my pants and let me go. On the plane I saw the girl and I explained how she got me in trouble. She giggle and took me to the toilet and wanted to see what the hassle was. Least I got a bj for my troubles
By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 16:23 other posts of spermkiss 
What a story! You got to join the mile high club.

By #183178 at 04,Sep,12 13:19
I've been along with a few buddys that were stopped, but they had a big Pa piercing or some metal on.
Never just because their dick was too big and they needed to check it out like yours.
Hell, I'd look forward to that!
By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 15:18 other posts of spermkiss 
I'd look forward to that, too. See my comment below.

By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 15:23 other posts of spermkiss 
No PA for me, but I do wear a cockring 24/7. I wear a c-h-i-l-d size jade bracelet as a cockring partly so I do not set off the metal detectors in airport security lines.

By spermkiss at 04,Sep,12 15:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Hell, I wish I had a problem like this, it sounds like fun, especially if the TSA officers are cute. Getting my package groped by a cute guy in uniform is HOT.

The next time this happens, make a party of it. As soon as you're in that private room drop your pants and give them a show. As a SYD member you've got to enjoy showing off your stuff so here's an excuse to do it.

By #147052 at 04,Sep,12 13:44
I quit flying because of the TSA Nazis.

By #11431 at 04,Sep,12 09:45
is your dick metal ?

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