Started by #21669 at 06,Nov,09 07:40
Similar topics: 1.Soft/Flaccid Dick 2.I'm straight as can be, but love dick, anyone else? 3.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida? 4.I think I am gay 5.Does ANYONE wish they had a SMALLER dick? New CommentComments: |
So, first things first;.....there are many more men here than women, so yes, on a sheer weight of numbers, there are going to be more men than women "likely to want you dick". In addition, there are proportionally more gay men here than straight, even MORE men than women!!
And finally,..we need to talk about women and their attitudes to dicks, including yours. Men are fairly dick obsessed, perhaps not surprisingly. However, realtively few women wander the world with the same obsession,..thats the real truth,..most women are not that interested in just your dick. Really nice intelligent women who will make good partners either for some hot sex, or for the rest of your life, are only interested in your dick as a realtively unimportant part of your whole package. Only a moronic woman will view you as just a walking dick!
Do you see women as simply a pair of breasts? If you do then you have some problems to get over before you can start to really enjoy life, women and sex.
Theres nothing wrong with wanting to have a nice dick, and desiring a woman to hold it in her hand and swoon with awe, and lust. But, being realistic, women won't do that until you have given them a real heavy dose of your main sex organ which is you brain.....
So, forget about men making nice comments as thats a bit like other men making comments about your car. Just concentrate on polishing up the thing that your dick is attached to and eventually you will get some good comments from women.