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how can you expand your ass hole?

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Started by #32052 at 09,Nov,09 21:11
how can you strech your butt hole and does it hurt?

Similar topics: 1.pee hole play   2.Bigger Ass Hole Request   3.My first Hole Wrecking   4.MY hole or HER hole?   5.Glory hole fun.  

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By #21910 at 10,Nov,09 01:36
Why would one want to do that? IAC, I hear that fisting and other insertions of assorted large objects will eventually do it ... if the idea of risking wearing a colostomy bag is appealing.
By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 08,Feb,10 09:25 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 
By #535695 at 28,Oct,19 17:37

By #603065 at 28,Oct,19 16:43
You can try using your fingers or buttplugs.

By knewbi at 28,Oct,19 16:35 other posts of knewbi 
I can understand this.. would also love opening mine up a bit. Have had my share of fucking guys and girls asses but never had mine fucked. not from lack of trying. many a guy has tried but never succeeded. I so want my ass fucked...

By HoneyLips at 28,Oct,19 01:32 other posts of HoneyLips 
The Toy manufacturers make butt plugs sets for beginners that are perfect for that..... The sets include 3 or 4 in graduated sizes..... you can start small and slowly stretch yourself out..... Also, make sure you use a good lube.

There’s a great website that’s all about anal sex.... I’ll try to find the link for you.

By slipper at 09,Feb,10 07:13 other posts of slipper 
You "ass" that here?

By #6568 at 08,Feb,10 13:11
Why not ask this on one of the areshole sites?......

.....In case it's escaped your notice, this is a dick site, so you will get much more informed answers by going to the right place.

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 26,Jan,10 10:03 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By nylonlover at 10,Nov,09 19:37 other posts of nylonlover 
First of all: Do it yourself.
Second: Take your time.
Third: Use good lubricants.
Fourth: Start with small "objects", then move on to larger ones.

There should only be a little pain. It?s rather a very special feeling whwn large things go in.

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