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is there any way to increase volume of cum?????

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Started by #287782 at 08,Oct,12 05:49
i need more cum

Similar topics: 1.cum volume   2.How to increase loads   3.Ultimate formula for increasing sperm and precum volume   4.Way to increase the viewings?   5.LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO INCREASE & MAINTAIN SITE MEMBER VOLUME  

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By lovetolickyou at 24,Apr,17 06:53 other posts of lovetolickyou 
If you want to increase the volume of precum, pygeum's reputed to do that, although it's only given me a small improvement...A bit, instead of almost nothing. I take pygeum for BPH (enlarged prostate) and it it really helps you **** without getting up repeatedly to pee.

For cum increase, most guys stack a variety of herbs...L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, L-Carnitine, Horny Goat Weed, Zinc...are the one's I take. Maca is recommended, and so is Tongkat Ali. I still don't cum huge volumes, but more than I used to.

For more info on stacking, visit Thunder's Place. It's primarily a Penis Enlargement site, but in their forums, there's sections for Men's Sexual Health and for Men's Supplements. That's where I learned about stacking. I recommend it.
By #485312 at 27,Apr,17 03:37
yeah, l highly recommend Maca, l copped one hell of a caning this weekend thanks to that stuff *lix*

By #121361 at 24,Apr,17 05:49
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By #121361 at 24,Apr,17 05:46
Check our Sperma Games.

By #206678 at 22,Apr,17 00:03
Came accross a mens health article recently to increase ejaculate volume. Have now been on this for 2 weeks and the results are amazing! I think my sperm volume has increase by double and I now leak precum like a fountain.

The Cum Holy Grail
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg
By #529544 at 22,Apr,17 12:23
I have a friend who takes L-Arginine with good results.I bought some yesterday and started taking today

By #532987 at 20,Apr,17 03:02
Actually masturbate more. Train your body to expect to deliver more ball creme. Get plenty of rest. Exercising frequently helps keep the testosterone level up. Loads of fore play. Watching porn keeps in a constant state of arrousal. Someone below mentioned prostate massaging, this does help. Frequent ejaculation to get your body accustomed to produce more and more sperm. The pace yourself with your lover

By #529544 at 19,Apr,17 18:32
I have really looked into this lately about 2 months now I have tried several things with some success.I am 62 and realize I cannot fill a wine glass anymore...I am exagerating a bit :-).But .Do not smoke,Moderate your alcohol...Go to the drugstore and purchase Saw Palmetto and take daily.I also use a prostate massager ( I talked this over with my doctor first ) Like I said I am 62 but I have improved the situation by about 50% over 2 months...Hope it helps someone...

By #525566 at 19,Apr,17 17:24
Take vitamin E double the daily dose for a week or so, stay well hydrated, equals bigger loads.

By duncanidaho at 11,Oct,12 18:31 other posts of duncanidaho 
I always shoot plenty of cum!

By #267756 at 10,Oct,12 10:49

Like this you mean?

By WristThick at 09,Oct,12 23:41 other posts of WristThick 
Some men can produce A LOT more cum than others, just like some men are A LOT more well endowed than others.

Another thing is how much sex your body expects to have, with how many women and if those women are yours are not. Scientific studies have shown that if a man expects a woman he's having sex with to have sex with another man not long before/after, his semen volume will increase. Sometimes dramatically. No shit.

By #291618 at 09,Oct,12 19:55
Iv read that if u drick enogh water then u produce more cum and u have to eat more high protein levels food or just stop masturbating for a couple of days when u finally JO ull see a cum fountain well that works 4 me

By #308985 at 08,Oct,12 22:16
Masterbate less often
By #268067 at 09,Oct,12 00:02
you better cut his hands off then as that's the only way he'll do that
By #201155 at 09,Oct,12 13:36
Or try one of these!

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By #264896 at 08,Oct,12 14:20
It's called the genetic lottery ... you're born with the ability or you aren't.
By #147052 at 08,Oct,12 14:25

By #201155 at 08,Oct,12 08:11
Masturbate a little less often, and then spend an hour or two edging when you do – longer if you can manage it. This was me after one such session, and there's another very cummy clip at the top of my page

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