Started by #37169 at 16,Nov,09 08:17
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The only place where I have found any intelligent discussion of this is in traditional Chinese sexual texts. The ancient Chinese gave considerable thought to erection quality and attempted to list and study the various influences as they saw them to be.
Modern translations of Chinese scripts such as 'The Tao of Health Sex and Longevity' by Daniel Read, mention the 'Four Attainments' which is a guide to erection and it's qualities. Thus, the four qualities of a good erection are; elongation, swelling, hardness and heat. Each of these may be present to greater or lesser degree according to the mans physical and mental health......;
"...........If the stalk does not attain sufficient elongation, the mans vital energy is weak....if he achieves hardness but not swelling, his muscular energy is lacking,...swelling but not hardness, his joints and tendons are too weak,...lack of heat means his spirit is insufficient for the act....etc etc..."