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HWMNBN Support Group

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #313314 at 12,Nov,12 23:02
Was just wondering whose bringing the refreshments?

Similar topics: 1.Why do folks get nasty on this site(NOT ALL)   2.Attention Kmart Shoppers.. err I mean HWMNBN Support group Members!   3.Do People Change or Do They Only Act Like That!!   4.Anyone interested in joining a support group for HellRaser? group...small cocks rock  

New Comment

By #164428 at 16,Nov,12 10:34
I know most of you here, and I consider you to be friends. But I have heard, through the grapevine, that the group is meant to mock another friend of mine, one I consider a dear, sweet friend. I must withdraw. I love that friend, and that friend has been nothing but wonderful to me, so I cannot personally say anything untoward about that person. I don't want to get in the middle of anything. Peace out!
By bella! at 16,Nov,12 11:15 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, I thought my response was attached to your post.

By bella! at 16,Nov,12 11:14 other posts of bella! 
This is not entirely accurate. There WAS a Members Group that DID name a specific member ( as there currently are Members Group that name specific member(s) in less then a favorable way ) however when the member brought this concern to the attention of admin, the group was terminated. The HWMNBN group is really a group of like minded people that are tired with being bullied by anyone here. It is unfortunate that your friend would think he/she is who this group was formed about. Believe it or not, there are members here that are tired of being "called out" just because they will not conform to the peer pressure here. Personally, I do not appreciate having my authenticity questioned time and time again because I do not post pics of my pussy. Although I have 9 verifications yet I have been attacked and it seems that Skype is the only acceptable method this member finds acceptable. Just because members don't post pics for ALL to see would that make fake or less real then others? I hope that you are open minded to consider that there are really a number of people here that are tired of the BS and are standing together and standing strong.

By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 22:56 other posts of Ray10754 
What time is the meeting and where is it being held??
Just wondering

By #274357 at 15,Nov,12 01:13
Before the inaugural meeting tomorrow night, I think we should elect officials to properly facilitate the agenda at hand.

Below are my recommendations.

• Bella
• JustWill

• Ray10764
• Daffu

• Dreamer
• 2nice

• PlainSilly
• RadiantEclipse
By #196416 at 15,Nov,12 01:19
I vote in favor
By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 01:20 other posts of Ray10754 
I will second that

By #218130 at 15,Nov,12 04:03

By bella! at 15,Nov,12 22:28 other posts of bella! 
I nominate fairydust for President. She, by far has gone toe to toe and sparred with HWMNBN and received more attacks then any SYC member should. Knowing that it would be impossible to bitch slap and win any assault with a SYD member, HWMNBN took on the formidable fairydust only to that it's impossible to win even fighting women, especially this woman. Defeated and in soiled diapers......HWMNBN retreats only to lurk in the darkness, hoping to pounce on someone weak..... WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!
By #313314 at 15,Nov,12 22:32
"Defeated and in soiled diapers". I guess it would "Depend", on whose side of the story you heard I guess.
By bella! at 15,Nov,12 22:47 other posts of bella! 
fairydust, of course! She's wild!

By #164428 at 15,Nov,12 22:28
Damn; sucks being absent of late! I missed some fun, apparently! May I be an honorary member? Of course, you'd have to tell me what it's about, but with the stellar members involved, it has to be something worthwhile.
By #313314 at 15,Nov,12 22:32
Nice to see you back
By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 22:39 other posts of Ray10754 
As far as Im concerned your more than welcome to join.
Head on over to the groups section and hit the join button and welcome aboard

By #274357 at 14,Nov,12 17:23
I'm going to be eating pie every day for the next two months.
By #218130 at 15,Nov,12 16:14
Maybe we need some fruit in between
By #303133 at 15,Nov,12 16:24
There is fruit IN most of the best pies, dreamer! That makes it part of a healthy diet...
By #218130 at 15,Nov,12 20:13
Mmm true, then we better start getting some nice meaty pies, steak and kidney
By #274357 at 15,Nov,12 21:29 about some simple peanut butter samiches?
By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 21:34 other posts of Ray10754 
Peanut butter on banannas Im told is good, but im not one to mix my food groups
By #274357 at 15,Nov,12 21:37
Oh man...Ray! Peanut Butter and Nana sandwiches are fantastic! Seriously, are you gonna doubt Elvis??
By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 21:39 other posts of Ray10754 
No I wont doubt him, but will definatly ask him about them next time I see him

By bella! at 15,Nov,12 00:20 other posts of bella! 
A personal invitation to all interested members, we are looking to find two more members to join our group, the PEOPLE'S group. There's currently 13 members and we're hoping to surpass the 14 members in the "Piss in my mouth" group. Think about the prestige attached to being a charter member! There's going to be entertainment, dancing, an elaborate buffet AND a dessert table featuring pie! Join us, we would love to have you and we are meeting tomorrow. Don't be a douche nozzle!
By #303133 at 15,Nov,12 03:37
Okay, so our official group slogan is: DON'T BE A DOUCHE NOZZLE? I think we should take a vote.
By #313314 at 15,Nov,12 03:38
No I think the slogan should be stay away from disco suits.
By #303133 at 15,Nov,12 03:45
While that is sound advice, it just doesn't have the same kinda kick to it...
By #313314 at 15,Nov,12 03:51
Yeah I think you're right.
By #247457 at 15,Nov,12 06:22
Yeah, it's just common sense, besides "douche nozzle" makes me giggle.

By #196416 at 15,Nov,12 05:01
We are now 15 strong
By bella! at 15,Nov,12 06:08 other posts of bella! 
By #247457 at 15,Nov,12 06:20
That's great news! we have more clout than male feet AND piss in my mouth. This is so encouraging.

By #303133 at 15,Nov,12 03:55
Drifter has joined up, and we are now at 14!!!!! HUZZAH!
The Urine Guzzlers are going down! (Ewwww. That last bit is kinda gross on several levels.)
By #218130 at 15,Nov,12 04:01
Yeah man! Great stuff HWMNBN Support Group Rocks

By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 01:26 other posts of Ray10754 
Just a thought for everyone to ponder!
Was thinking we should hold the meeting in one of our privet chat areas,that way we can all chat together instead of here in the fourm ! also what time would be good for everyone to attend ?
By #297360 at 15,Nov,12 01:26
why not a skype conference call...?
By Ray10754 at 15,Nov,12 01:33 other posts of Ray10754 
Not everyone has skype I know I dont

By #318064 at 13,Nov,12 01:52
I'm too new here to know what you're talking about, but if it means I can have free pie I 'll agree with anything you say!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:22 other posts of bella! 
quaqua, we are now a group of 7, 8 is such an even number and there be dancing, no one would have to sit out, we would all have partners!

By #318064 at 13,Nov,12 02:38
Hooray, thanks for the pies I think I'll eat one and save one in case I want to throw it at anyone. I'm hugely greatful that should I ever find out who HWMNBN is, or get struck by a flying poop, I have your support.
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:54 other posts of bella! 
Only members of the Victims of HWMNBN'd will have group support. There's no initiation fee at this time........
By #318064 at 13,Nov,12 13:30
I've joined up in the hope that sharing a planet with and breathing the same air as HWMNBN qualifies me as a victim. I'll gladly make the tea and pass round the dessert tray until I can be a proper victim.
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 14:51 other posts of bella! 
Thank you quaqua! There is strength in numbers!

By #301038 at 13,Nov,12 15:20
more pie?
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 15:22 other posts of bella! 
Of course!

By bella! at 13,Nov,12 15:14 other posts of bella! 
And then there were 12...... .

By #218130 at 13,Nov,12 12:44
By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 12:56
Knew you'd be joining us, dreamer! Enjoy your delicious pie, my friend!
By #218130 at 13,Nov,12 13:10
Yipee!!! Thanks for the lovely pie. I'm honored to be part of this merry group. I love pie. I love ducks and penguins too.

By #196416 at 13,Nov,12 03:24
In this room there is only love, no hating
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 03:35 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, I am not qualified to comment on this for I have been called a hater.
By #196416 at 13,Nov,12 03:38
You my Dear Bella are certainly not a hater, That is so far fetched that one would have to be completely out of touch with any sort of reality to even suggest that you are a hater. Love only Love in here,
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 03:45 other posts of bella! 
Oh thank you dear daffu, "ppl" have said contrary!

By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 03:14
And now, we are NINE! Watch out, WEE-WEE GARGLERS...the Victims of HWMNBN are taking you slice of pie at a time! BOO-YA!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 03:43 other posts of bella! 
We surely will surpass the PISS IN MY MOUTH group!!!!! I'm so excited, I could pee!

By #247457 at 13,Nov,12 02:35
I'll throw my support in also, I am relatively new to the forums but those that Bella, PlainSilly, JustWill, ToNice, RadientEclipse, Daffy and Stefi are very entertaining enlightening intelligent and great fun to read. you all seem like such good, fun people i can't imagine anyone wanting to harass you. so HWMNBN this is for you .and yes i do like pie
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:42 other posts of bella! 
Join us, everyone welcome, the more the merrier!
By #247457 at 13,Nov,12 02:46
why thank you 2nice and THE lovely Bella.

By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 03:04
I am feeling the LOVE! Thank you kindly. Your pie is on the way...
By #247457 at 13,Nov,12 03:15
No, thank you. you all have brightened many bad days.

By #318026 at 13,Nov,12 00:21
I'll bring the cheese!
By #297360 at 13,Nov,12 00:23
Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Oh, she is a naughty person, and she must pay the penalty!
By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 00:23
Oral sex?
By #247457 at 13,Nov,12 02:17
no, no justwill, she must be spanked!

By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:24 other posts of bella! 
Dick cheese? Ewww......!!!
By #274357 at 13,Nov,12 02:27
Haha... Bella, just inherently wrecked the geek dungeous and dragons theme, but I thought it relevant, because we all needed to wake up.

Dick Cheese is on the menu, folks.

Grilled Smegma Sandwiches and Tomato Soup for Everyone!!!
By #318064 at 13,Nov,12 02:44
I'm nibbling on some cream crackers here, a bit of cheese on them would do the trick I think.
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:47 other posts of bella! 
I have it on good authority that cream crackers is to the UK as Wheat Thins are to the US!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:50 other posts of bella! 
Thank you NWCock for schooling me on this!

By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:15 other posts of bella! 
I'll bring the cheesy potatoes!
By #313314 at 13,Nov,12 00:40
As long as papa did not contribute any of the cheese in those potatoes, they sound good to me!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 01:09 other posts of bella! 
Frick! Ewww.....!!!!!!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 01:12 other posts of bella! 
I will forgo bringing the cheesy potatoes, is everyone familiar with White Castle? I will bring a Craver Case!
By #274357 at 13,Nov,12 01:18
Are you kidding me? As a native of D-Town...I so miss those little hamburgers of delectable goodness.

Those little bastards are even better than pie.
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 01:33 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, they can be enjoyable BUT the after effect is not pleasant. They give me a bad case of the vapors.......
By #274357 at 13,Nov,12 01:47
Bella vapors.

Didn't expect to be talking about those bothersome nasal irritants...

[deleted image]
By #313314 at 13,Nov,12 01:50
In the words of my sexy friend Hotlips, Oh mylanta!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 02:24 other posts of bella! 
Hotlips is not only beautiful, she's wise beyond her years!

By #196416 at 12,Nov,12 23:33
Where do I pick up my pie?
By #303133 at 12,Nov,12 23:35
Only support group members get pie!(While supplies last)
By #196416 at 12,Nov,12 23:48
Can't support something till I get my pie
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:51 other posts of bella! 
Put on YOUR bifocals, ya already gotta slice. Were you thinking you were going to get the entire pie? So greedy!

By #303133 at 12,Nov,12 23:51
Ducks are not as polite as penguins!
By #196416 at 12,Nov,12 23:54
Thanks, and yes Bella I want the whole pie, not just a slice and it is not greed, just what I rightfully deserve. All or nothing I say
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:57 other posts of bella! 
You got it daffu! Some "ppl" think I'm a hater but do you feel the love?

By #196416 at 12,Nov,12 23:55
Ducks don't have to be polite and fuck penguins anyway..oh sorry already did that one..
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:32 other posts of bella! 
Ducks don't have to be polite, since when? Some "ppl"....... or, uhh ducks!

By #313314 at 13,Nov,12 00:17
I have Cookies from the dark side!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:28 other posts of bella! 
Cookies are good and easier to manage then cream cheese and smoked salmon bagels!

By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:18 other posts of bella! 
There's 5 members now!
By #297360 at 13,Nov,12 00:21
By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 00:21
Take THAT, ya freakin' PEE DRINKERS!!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:25 other posts of bella! 
The victims group gone viral!

By #303133 at 13,Nov,12 00:05
Hey! I just checked the group list, and there are only 3 official members so far! For gawd's sake, people...PISS IN MY MOUTH has 14! Seriously! Do we want to be out-done by freakin' PEE DRINKERS?!
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:08 other posts of bella! 
Helllllllll nooooooooo!!!

By Ray10754 at 12,Nov,12 23:40 other posts of Ray10754 
just joined the support group
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:42 other posts of bella! 
Hell yeah, Ray! Welcome aboard!
By Ray10754 at 12,Nov,12 23:53 other posts of Ray10754 
Do I need to bring anything ?
By bella! at 13,Nov,12 00:00 other posts of bella! 
We should be more concerned with electing officers in our first meeting. We don't want everybody hanging out at the buffet table all night.

By #274357 at 12,Nov,12 23:45
Had a difficult time finding a parking spot out there...

Hello, my fellow degenerates.

I brought sushi.
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:49 other posts of bella! 
Sushi? For the HWMNBN members or for the penguin?

By #303133 at 12,Nov,12 23:31
The Victims of HWMNBN support group has now formed.(Seriously.Check the group list!) Join Now! It is expected that a crowd will form in short order, and you want to be sure to get a seat in the front row! (Those are the people who get pie first!)
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:47 other posts of bella! 
He JustWill, I will send pie to 2nice.
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:48 other posts of bella! 
Damn! You beat me!

By #297360 at 12,Nov,12 23:14
Will there be cream cheese and smoked salmon bagels?
By #303133 at 12,Nov,12 23:16
Nope. Every one gets burned points and poop!
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:19 other posts of bella! 
Too bad there's not adult diapers i.e. Depends for ppl with incontinence issues.
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 23:28 other posts of bella! 
Well PlainSilly, if yo really want the cream cheese and smoked salmon bagels, I suggest that you coordinate that with RadiantEclipse so that we don't have another club member bringing the same.

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