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What's the state with the most gay guys?

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Started by #327273 at 02,Dec,12 02:02
I personally think California but could be wrong. Lets hear you guys answers

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New Comment

By #588373 at 31,May,19 09:20

By #276587 at 02,Dec,12 17:54
I have to say NY has to be a close second And judging by the amount of men from the UK and Canada on SYD, there seems to be widespread gayness in those country
By 3fdfd at 04,Dec,12 14:47 other posts of 3fdfd 
don't know if they are gay or not, but a lot of guys in the UK seem to have very large dicks

By 3fdfd at 04,Dec,12 14:44 other posts of 3fdfd 
Since California has the most people of all 50 states, it stands to reason that they would have the most gay guys - even if San Francisco or Hollywood didn't exist as gay meccas.

By #7976 at 03,Dec,12 23:04
Some years back I read that Houston had a bigger population of Gays than San Francisco. I'm not sure what it is today.
By spermkiss at 03,Dec,12 23:11 other posts of spermkiss 
It very well might because it's a larger city. But I rather doubt that it has a higher percentage of gays.

By spermkiss at 02,Dec,12 04:13 other posts of spermkiss 
California without a doubt. First of all, it's the state with the largest population so there will be more of every group here. Secondly, it has at least two gay magnet cities, Los Angeles and my own home town of San Francisco, the gay capitol of the universe.
By #299180 at 02,Dec,12 16:20
I agree; California definitely is the land of us homo's
By spermkiss at 02,Dec,12 19:21 other posts of spermkiss 
California, the land of fruits and nuts. And that's why I love it.

By #23212 at 02,Dec,12 03:30

By #220845 at 02,Dec,12 02:58
MO. Maybe

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