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Started by #300891 at 08,Dec,12 12:15
i made the main page...............

New Comment

By bella! at 25,Dec,12 17:14 other posts of bella! 
Merry Christmas, mr7inches!

By bella! at 24,Dec,12 14:33 other posts of bella! 
Before my day gets busy I want to thank YOU for being YOU! You are one of a kind and that's what makes you unique and real. Have a beautiful, peaceful Christmas, both you and jess.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 hours

Merry Christmas, mr7inches!

By #218130 at 13,Dec,12 08:16
What is going on? Where is Mr7inches? Ag no

By bella! at 12,Dec,12 23:35 other posts of bella! 
mr7inches, I miss you already. I hope this is only a temporary "timeout" and that you will be back soon.

By bella! at 12,Dec,12 11:48 other posts of bella! 
Almost 2700 views to date. I don't see the picture on the main page however I want to remind members take the time to visit your page to view and comment on your many pics. You, mr7inches, are a longtime member, contributor and poster of pics and are REAL. There are many other real SYD members that post that should be featured on the main page without ever giving consideration to the photoshopped junk that so often makes it there.
By #300891 at 12,Dec,12 12:56
thank you gorgeous
By #300891 at 12,Dec,12 12:57
was going to take some more out door pics cold my dick would not play ball
By bella! at 12,Dec,12 13:31 other posts of bella! 
Do a holiday pic! Hang a candy cane off of mr7inches!

By #218130 at 12,Dec,12 11:01
Well done

By *kmadeau* at 09,Dec,12 09:36 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Congratulations Mr.Mr7inches! and if you should take a couple of Photoshop's hours from our great experts here, you could stay on MP forever!

By bella! at 08,Dec,12 12:48 other posts of bella! 

Adult Discussion Forum