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Started by #312805 at 12,Dec,12 17:32
Do you like to share what's you did on this special day? Thank you.

New Comment

By #164428 at 14,Dec,12 05:19
I taped the 121212 concert for Sandy relief. I didn't get all of it, unfortunately. I got to watch some tonight. I hope they raised a lot of money for the recovery efforts.
By Ray10754 at 14,Dec,12 05:24 other posts of Ray10754 
Last amout I heard was over 55 million from addmittance at the door alone! I am told that they are auctioning of some signed memorbila also. They are also selling DVD's of the concert !I belive you can follow it on line!

By boc at 13,Dec,12 02:31 other posts of boc 
Made some Fra Diavolo sauce tonight.

By jgengy at 13,Dec,12 01:17 other posts of jgengy 
i lost my job
By Ray10754 at 13,Dec,12 01:22 other posts of Ray10754 
Well that sucks! sorry to hear that

By #301038 at 13,Dec,12 00:17
I got my mortgage pre approval converted into application after 2 hours on the phone with the bank! And the house is officially under contract! 45 days and we'll be moving in. 4br/3bath, 2200 sf, 2.2 acres of land. Gotta make some kids to fill the house, lol. I'm so excited! I've waiting so long for this!
By Ray10754 at 13,Dec,12 01:06 other posts of Ray10754 
Congrats good luck Peach

By #59855 at 12,Dec,12 19:11
From Matt's Wife: I got up and worked out at 5 AM.

Adult Discussion Forum