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I'm thinking of getting a Prince Abert piercing

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Started by #264936 at 24,Dec,12 20:02
Thinking of getting my cock pierced wat are your thoughts and who has theirs done?

Similar topics: 1.cock piercing or not?   2.ATTN: Should I Get A VCH Piercing?   3.self piercing   4.Considering an ampallung piercing   5.Should i get a Prince Albert piercing  

New Comment

By #94263 at 25,Dec,12 16:13
I would definitely agree with the previous posters. It is definitely worth getting a PA, it gives so much pleasure to both yourself and your partner.
I have had my PA for 10 years and would never be without it, or give it up

By #220845 at 25,Dec,12 01:58
I've had mine around thirteen months, started at 14ga. Now getting to 00ga.

By Ray10754 at 24,Dec,12 20:14 other posts of Ray10754 
Mine is done and I love it. Had it done many years ago by a professional, When he did it, He piresed me with a 10 ga since then I have done all my own upgaging and I am now at 0ga and love it emencly. I would say GO FOR IT just be sure to have it done by a professional and also be sure to take care of it during the healing prosess,Feel free to check mine out if you like! Any questions drop me a line and I will try to answer the best I can! Good luck with what ever you decide and be sure to post pictures when and if you do!

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