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Considering an ampallung piercing

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Started by #472386 at 18,Jun,16 05:41
Hi everyone,
I am thinking about getting an ampallung piercing. Has anyone here had one done?
How comfortable are they when you are erect?
I like to fuck and wank with my cock ring on. Would i still be comfortable with that extra hardness and a steel bolt through my glans?
Would an ampallung suit my size and shale?

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By #201583 at 20,Jun,16 23:15
When you are erect the balls should be about 50% countersunk into the glans. When soft you should be able to see a little of the bar. If you wear a longer bar while soft you can feel it slide back and forth while you walk, which can lead to big wet spots. You have to be checked by a piercer prior to receiving the piercing. They want to check if any veins are in the way of the piercing. I met about 20 piercers before I met one I could trust. I mean my penis is very important to me and I have read many articles about horor stories about all the things that could go wrong. The amphallang isn't a popular piercing so most piercers have never done one. I don't know about you but I chose to not let a rookie do mine. A lot of guys do their own but a lot of them run into trouble, and some just get lucky. The best advice I can give you is find a piercer that has done several amphallang piercings. Some piercers will lie to you just so they can add the amphallang to their resume. If they can't provide photo proof in their work album, run away, and run fast.

By #485312 at 20,Jun,16 22:34

qrac might be able to give you some advice on this *lix*

By #201583 at 19,Jun,16 01:04
It's awesome. It took about 8 minutes of serious pushing for my piercer to get the 12 gauge needle completely through the glans. 11 years later I have just had it stretched to 10 guage. I'm still debating if I should stretch to 8 guage. I love mine and don't regret receiving it.

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