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How dare you post face pics of others?

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Started by #301038 at 03,Jan,13 01:20
How dare you post your girls, ex gf, wife's face pics on here without getting their permission. Especially, if you even don't post your own face pics. Post her body pics, but have enough respect to blur her face.

What is wrong with you, people? Have some respect for your partner.

If someone I know would post my face pic online without my permission, I would hunt that mofo down, chop his dick off and post it online.

Similar topics: 1.dare me to take pics   2.Blocking face in pics??   3.Face pics   4.Pics with your face   5.Truth or dare  

New Comment

By #359325 at 11,Aug,13 18:05

By #218130 at 03,Jan,13 01:35
Very well said
By #301038 at 03,Jan,13 01:43
I don't get it.... especially when there is a completely innocent full body pic, with a title "That's the tight cunt I fuck".
By #218130 at 04,Jan,13 18:32
That's "Respect" for you hey. It reminds me of my school days, when guys boasted how they fucked this and that girl. Never believed it for one second. To me just another asshole with a fucking small ego/self esteem. No respect for nothing, not even themselves. He only fucked that tight cunt in his wildest dreams and fantasies while beating his meat into a pulp, that I can promise you. I know some do indeed post pics of gf's and wife's and are sure most of them are without their permission. I support the case 100% and are behind you all the way RESPECT

By #303133 at 04,Jan,13 19:04
I have never understood that type of mentality. "That's the tight cunt I fuck" (and similar statements) shows an abiding disrespect for the woman involved and a complete disregard for her humanity. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that kind of information anyway? Give you a cookie? Congratulate you on your extreme manly prowess? Chances are, if she KNEW you were calling her that...and if she had any self would soon have to call her "the tight cunt I USED to fuck...before she tossed me out on my Neanderthal ass."
By #218130 at 04,Jan,13 20:50
Me neither, I just don't like it, I hate that to say the least.

By Ray10754 at 03,Jan,13 01:22 other posts of Ray10754 

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