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Face pics

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Started by #139910 at 08,May,11 17:03
So i have been thinking about posting full body shots with my face in it unlike in my other pics where my face is cut out any way post if u would like to see some face pics up if i get enough people asking for it then i will post some up for everybody to see.

Similar topics: 1.Blocking face in pics??   2.How dare you post face pics of others?   3.Pics with your face   4.Influx of face pics?   5.For guys who post face pics...  

New Comment

By probowler298 at 31,Mar,23 23:06 other posts of probowler298 
I do not hide my face anymore. Naked face and dick exposed. Lol.

By #667453 at 23,May,22 13:07
My face is up😄

By cumn4u at 24,Apr,21 07:56 other posts of cumn4u 

By #594072 at 03,Aug,19 22:01
ref prev comments i can understand why some people wouldn't want to post fully naked. but we only live once have fun..

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #585251 at 22,Apr,19 06:24
I’d never do it!
[deleted image]

By cumn4u at 18,Mar,19 00:39 other posts of cumn4u 

By cumn4u at 17,Mar,19 21:26 other posts of cumn4u 

By Louis at 25,Feb,19 12:43 other posts of Louis 
I think it's hot for everyone to see who I am!

By #577331 at 24,Jan,19 01:40
Permanently exposed publicly.
[deleted image]
By toohey at 24,Jan,19 08:17 other posts of toohey 
You are

By toohey at 24,Jan,19 08:14 other posts of toohey 
Pics on the internet are immortal and lead a life of their own. You have to give serious consideration to the possibility that, say, 10 years from now your pics will turn up. They do, I can assure you from experience.

Here's a pic of me naked with a big erection on a park bench, taken on June 29, 2006, posted by someone (not me!)on some blog in April 2018:
only registered users can see external links.
I happen to find this exciting. But do you?

Last bit of advice: if you feel like posting a pic, masturbate until you come, and THEN make the decision

By #478298 at 12,Aug,18 02:46
Here's me naked
[deleted image]

By cumn4u at 11,Aug,18 12:14 other posts of cumn4u 

By cumn4u at 11,Aug,18 06:55 other posts of cumn4u 

By cumn4u at 11,Aug,18 06:52 other posts of cumn4u 

By cumn4u at 09,Jun,18 08:48 other posts of cumn4u 

By #550094 at 08,Apr,18 08:51
I have plenty of my face pics in my profile.

By #553253 at 05,Apr,18 09:50
[deleted image]

By #539811 at 15,Sep,17 16:38
this me naked[deleted image]
By bella! at 15,Sep,17 17:52 other posts of bella! 
You kinda look like the actor, Jeff Goldblum, only naked and more handsome! 👍

By #485312 at 27,Apr,17 00:45
[deleted image][deleted image]

By #485312 at 18,Jan,17 01:22
[deleted image][deleted image]

By #423426 at 14,Jan,17 12:10
I've got nobody to answer to, and my girl is quite happy with me being here, so.......[deleted image]

By #527248 at 13,Jan,17 12:23
[deleted image]
I don't mind my picture going public

By #83244 at 10,May,11 18:58
You can set the photos to "Friends Only" after upload. Thus, you choose who sees and who does not see as i have done
However, i have no problem with people seeing me. But if an image of me was posted on another domain, i would press to have it removed as i had not posted it there. I have only posted my photos here on SYD. Distributing images without consent is illegal.
You either do it, or you do not

By #59855 at 08,May,11 17:58
From Matt's Wife: I agree with dances12 on this. If you post face pics you are asking for problems. It is up to the individual of course but you have been warned. While your at it post you cell number too
By #139910 at 08,May,11 18:16
I understand what u & dances12 are saying & i got no intention to post my mobile number on hear
By slipper at 08,May,11 21:22 other posts of slipper 
...and, don't forget to post your SSN, as well!

By spermkiss at 08,May,11 18:59 other posts of spermkiss 
As dances12 and Matt's Wife have so wisely pointed out, once you post a photograph on this site (or anywhere else on the internet), you've got to consider that it will be out there in the public domain forever and you can never be sure when or where it will show up again. Even if you delete it from your page, or for that matter close your membership, there is no way of knowing how many people have downloaded it.

Having said that, however, only you can judge whether family and employment considerations would be a problem. Would it bother you, for example, to have your grandmother come across a photograph of you fully nude and fully erect? Since you asked the question, I can tell that posting full body shots is something you want to do. If you can live with the consequences, go for it.

Public nudity, public sex and pornography have become so mainstream these days that you would hardly be alone should you post face showing shots. Literally tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, men and women both, have put their bodies and their sexual acts on public display. I know from personal experience how rewarding and fulfilling this can be. (See my Blog for a further discussion of this.) So again I say, if this is something you want to do, then do it.

Adult Discussion Forum