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Cock Piercing

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Started by #335969 at 05,Jan,13 10:54
For quite sometime I've been contemplating getting a PA. Any advice you can give would be appreciated. Do you think my penis will look good? Can you leave it in for long periods of time? Should I just settle for a scrotum piercing instead? Thanks for your advice

Similar topics: 1.Price Albert Cock Piercing   2.genital piercing   3.cock piercing or not?   4.ATTN: Should I Get A VCH Piercing?   5.self piercing  

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 16,Feb,13 20:18 other posts of Ray10754 
SO have you made up your mind yet?

By mywusch at 06,Jan,13 14:28 other posts of mywusch 
your wonderful cock headis made for a PA, do it and you`ll love it

By Ray10754 at 05,Jan,13 22:05 other posts of Ray10754 
I would like to add my 2 cents here! Being that I myself am pierced (P/A 0 ga Nipple ring 10 ga Ear ring 12 ga and a belly button ring 10 ga) I would say yes go for it Im sure you will enjoy the experiance. A few words of advice if I may,Be sure you reserch and be comfortable with your piercer,also be sure to follow all the directions that he gives you for your healing prosess. As far as the actual piercing goes, I found that the pain was minamal (a little more that an injection from the Dr) In reguards to bleeding, I blead only a small amount, it actually had stoped before I got back home. After paine will depend on how you take care of it, mine was completly gone in less than three days.From what I have been told, the P/a is the least painfull piercing you could get.My nipple piercing was a LOT more painfull than my P/A was! YES you can leave it in all the time with the exception of when you remove it to clean your jewlry! And yes you do have to clean your jewlry,I clean mine every other day with regular jewlry cleaner.Belive me !once you have it in, you will not want to take it out! Lol Good luck with what ever you decide to do,and in the event you do decide to have it done be sure to post pictures for us to see!!

By 2pierced at 05,Jan,13 21:46 other posts of 2pierced 
I'm obviously biased, but I'd recommend for you to get the piercing that you want. If you don't like it, you can remove the jewelry and the piercing will usually grow closed, but I think you'll really enjoy the feeling of the weight on your cock as you move around doing daily activities.

By #303909 at 05,Jan,13 18:22
Sorry, I can't torture my lovely creature like that...

By #220845 at 05,Jan,13 18:10
It would look great on your already handsome Cock.

By princea at 05,Jan,13 11:05 other posts of princea 
hardik,i think yr cock wd look wonderful with a pa!!!

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