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Blue Balls, Damn that shit hurts!!

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Started by #21669 at 30,Nov,09 18:58
When watching porn I hold back from shooting a load until I can't take take it anymore. I love being so horny and thinking about sucking dick. I like staying in that mood for as long as I can, but damn... I hate when I'm watching real good porn and I hold back from cumming for like 5 to 6 hours... my balls start to hurt!
And when I do finally cum... I cum way more than I usually do, but then I have to deal with the pain.

Have you guys ever felt that?

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By #301038 at 05,Sep,13 20:16
Ain't nobody got time for that...
By #23212 at 06,Sep,13 23:29
Au contraire Madame! Some of us MAKE time, and often, for several hours of sex play!
By #301038 at 06,Sep,13 23:51
With yourself? You telling me that some people jerk off for 5-6 hours!
By #23212 at 07,Sep,13 06:43
Sorry for the confusion. NO, 'making time often for several hours of sex play', WITH my/our sweetheart(s). 'Sex PLAY' to me, is always with another person, preferably a 'sweetie'.
By #301038 at 08,Sep,13 06:27
Well, but that's not what OP is talking about, isn't it?
By #23212 at 08,Sep,13 07:53
I was talking about the OP's statement that "I hold back from shooting a load until I can't take it anymore". And I was trying to add that some of us also do that, for a long time, while having wonderful play with our partner (and she having quite a number of orgasms). I hope you experience a partner like that too.

By #408904 at 07,Sep,13 05:49
Arent blue balls a dumb lie teen boys tell stupid gullible teen girls to get laid?
By #23212 at 07,Sep,13 06:44
Absolutely not!

By #265525 at 07,Sep,13 02:16
i feel that pain very often as I can and do edge for days. its to such a degree that my balls become sensitive to pressure and it tends to get worse as my mood level goes up and down. often leading to a hands free cum or loads of pre-cum and even prostate milking from muscle contraction. when I was young I could have wet dreams on command and would have them once a week or more with out intending to.
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I actually came completely hands free to, no stroking of any kind just the thought and visual was enough to make me cum.

By #359325 at 07,Sep,13 01:16
When your balls start turning different colors, besides blue, then you'd better stop eating those skittles. I don't think i've ever heard of anyone not to cum for 5+ hours!

By andrew999999999 at 06,Sep,13 19:06 other posts of andrew999999999 
Never had blue balls

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