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wots best looking shaved or unshaved cock

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Started by #339552 at 06,Jan,13 21:55
Im debating weather to shave my pubes off but would it look hot or not ?

Similar topics: 1.Shaved or unshaved   2.Luv Cock?   3.shaved r unshaved   4.Ladyboy cock   5.Shaved dick vs Unshaved dicks...  

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By #323075 at 08,Jan,13 08:45
I like to shave my pubic hair, but not completely. I let a strip in the middle! Completely shaved shows a little bit like a boy. Unshaved at the other hand shows a Little bit wild!

By #311947 at 07,Jan,13 13:06
I think shaved is better. I have been shaving for a long time and just prefer it. I have always not had alot of body hair any way so its not that big a deal. Other people seem to enjoy it and express their delight when they first see it too.

By #242452 at 07,Jan,13 05:29
If you don't like it. it will grow back.

By #195770 at 07,Jan,13 04:43
I saw it! Definetly Shave it.and Thnx

By #220845 at 07,Jan,13 03:09
I started whenI was very young barely had stubble, heard it would make it grow

By spermkiss at 07,Jan,13 00:42 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it, do it, do it. Every man should shave himself completely hairless from the neck down at least once in his life. You're not doing anything permanent. If you don't like being hairless, it will grow back. But I'm guessing you'll like it.

By Ray10754 at 07,Jan,13 00:19 other posts of Ray10754 
If your truly interested in knowing what it would look likeshave them off and decide for your self!it will grow back fast enough if you dont like it!I shaved mine off when I was 17 and never let them gtow bacj since as a matter of fact I have now been shaving my entire body from the neck down and love it I am going to get laser done soon so that it dont come back at all

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