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Started by #341866 at 12,Jan,13 04:33
not yet almost on my 11th bday i was wearing a tshirt and shorts and i went to the bathroom and washed my hands and this guy walked in and had a big dick it was like 11 in and 6.5 thick and he went to the urinal btw there was no wall between the urinals or the urinals and the sinks anyway he started peeing and he saw me looking and he had a boner and he saw my 4.5 in boner in my shorts and he turned towards me walked over kissed me on the lips and motioned towards the stall [his dick still out] and i just walked out saying nothing i still regret it

Similar topics: 1.Sexting  

New Comment

By #59855 at 13,Jan,13 18:59
From Matt's Wife: That is very sick

By #68656 at 12,Jan,13 09:46
That filthy deviate should be in prison for ch-il-d sex offences.
The original poster did the correct thing by leaving and has no reason for regrets.
However this topic is inappropriate for this group.
By bella! at 12,Jan,13 17:22 other posts of bella! 
To JohnS and JustWill, again, you both are compassionate and I'm feeling skeptical about this "storie". What 11 year old would be able to process and quantify measurements? This "storie" may have gained momentum over the years. JohnS and JustWill, help me out, there is a word/term for someone who spins a wild story and believes it is the truth.

Adult Discussion Forum