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Started by Sickboy at 13,Jan,13 21:39  other posts of Sickboy
Why do peaple post topics then delet? really bugs the shit out if me. For fuck sake you posted it see the shit through!

New Comment

By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 12:20
they get sick of the BS, one read of forum and its enough to make them find better places to be *lix*

By Sickboy at 14,Jan,13 19:01 other posts of Sickboy 
No it just happened! Soz...I had a few beers!! my phone types what it wants!!!

By Sickboy at 13,Jan,13 22:01 other posts of Sickboy 
Not trying to be rude but a lot of the topics i look at the person has delted!! ....I know I don't know the reasons they left.....but it do you say grinds my gears!!

By bella! at 13,Jan,13 21:55 other posts of bella! 
???? When was the topic/thread started? Many of the topics are relevant and it's great that a thoughtful member takes the time to read and comment and bring it to the forefront, once again. I think the threads you might be speaking of could be self serving and it is what it is.......

Adult Discussion Forum