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If UR A Sissy, Cuckold, Or Otherwise, And/Or UR A Man Who Likes 2 Dress Frilly....

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #164428 at 27,Jan,13 10:09
Please direct me to your profile!lol

I find such men so hot, and, if all goes, well, I will seeing a sissy soon, a girlie who will be my cuck, and whom I will name Dolly, as I will dress her like a dolly and work her like a dolly, fulfilling my wishes.

Photos of biological dudesd of any sexual persuasion, in stockings, high heels, lingerie, is very welcome!!!

Thank you.

Similar topics: 1.dressing up ?   2.Slutty sissy?   3.How to dress even more like a sissy   4.Trans/Cross / Sissy pics   5.Cuckold Lifestyle  

New Comment

By #437938 at 05,Oct,14 17:31
I just love dressing up like a gurl & being a sissy.

By #164428 at 27,Jan,13 10:11
Sorry for typos; tried to fix, but some outside link got posted in for some reason. I don't know why words keep getting highlighted, directing to other sites. Don't know if this is happening to others, or it's my computer....
By #124665 at 12,Feb,13 01:56
It's just you. Your computer is prolly overloaded with viruses from too many visits to sex fetish sites

I have my toenails painted red and I look great in woman's undergarments

By #61277 at 11,Feb,13 23:13
Hi steffi, stop my my profile page, think I might just have what you're looking for.



By #324336 at 10,Feb,13 18:23
come see me.i like it all.

By #201155 at 27,Jan,13 10:19
Oh, sweet Mistress, please come and look at my pictures again. You know what a little sissy I can be, especially when I am locked in my cock cage for you
By #164428 at 10,Feb,13 05:21
Oh, yes, my darling. Mmmmmm.
By #201155 at 10,Feb,13 10:20
Oh Steffi, I wish you could see how agonisingly hard you are making me this morning. I so want to masturbate, but I know I must wait until you allow me to

Adult Discussion Forum